Fast WMR

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Saabjock, Apr 26, 2020.

  1. Saabjock

    Saabjock Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 5, 2016
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    I finally got around to testing in WMR a few minutes ago.
    It is blazing fast and extremely smooth...even with a full grid.
    Very surprised about that.
    It defaulted to 150% super sampling and yet it was over 90 fps with an R5 3600x and GTX1080 Ti.
    I was monitoring the test with fpsVR while recording it in realtime with GFE and it never dipped below 90 fps.
    This is one heck of a start to WMR for an early release title.
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  2. Quambo

    Quambo New Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    That is weird. I have a 2070 S, i7 6700K, and I'm struggling to keep 90fps at .80 - 1.0 supersampling and with all settings turned to low, shadows and grass turned off. It still stutters even then.

    I am using SteamVR and a Vive Pro.

    I was thinking of asking if the devs will focus on performance for VR. How is it working that way for you? Every setting on mine is turned to minimum

    the 2070S is supposed to be comparable to the 1080 Ti, and I am not getting smooth performance at 150% ss and with any settings. It also doesn't line up with any other posts I've seen.
  3. Saabjock

    Saabjock Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 5, 2016
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    These are my settings in game.
    I am using Windows 10 Pro (2004) b.19041.207 with Nvidia driver 450.12
    There is absolutely no drop in framerate anywhere around the tracks I've tried to date.
    It is also extremely clear...I can read all the settings both on the steering wheel and on the billboards.
    I don't know the Montreal layout very well but it was pure fun to slide and collect the car.
    It was fun in the original version and it is even more fun with this one, since you can respond that much quicker in WMR.
    Frankly, it is the best implementation of that technology I have encountered to date in simracing.


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    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
  4. Saabjock

    Saabjock Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 5, 2016
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    What version of Windows are you running?
    What Nvidia driver and how is NVCPL configured?
    What motherboard are you running?
    Are all chipset drivers, BIOS, etc...for equipment all up to date?
    Any programs running in background as evident on taskbar?
    You should be 'flying' with that hardware.
    Something is clearly causing you to have to turn everything to low settings.
  5. YoLolo69

    YoLolo69 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    Possibly the default SS in SteamVR itself is set to high value or at Auto? I had to set it at 100% for other SteamVR exclusive game, it was at 150 by default!

    I keep 90fps all the time with 15 AIs, and my pc is far to be a ninja machine (see signature). No VR SuperSampling in game but the XML trick "SharpeningStrengh" do pretty well the job and my picture is super clear like if I had SS 2.0 without losing fps. Really happy :)

    Here my settings, with remarks for fps impact as I made tons of tests using OculusDebugtool:

    Performance Settings
    1280x720 60Hz
    Windowed: No
    Texture Resolution: High
    Texture Filtering:Anisotropic 16x (no impact)
    V-Sync: No
    MSAA: off (huge impact)
    Post AA: SMAA Medium (light impact)
    Supersampling: Off
    Reflections: Medium (light impact)
    Environment Map: Medium (light impact)
    Car Detail: Ultra
    Track Detail: Low (mid impact and can't catch differences in VR)
    Pit Crew Detail: All
    Shadow Detail: Low (mid impact)
    Enhanced Mirror :Yes (low impact and night and day effect)
    Motion Blur: Off
    Render Frames Ahead: 1
    Detailed Grass: Off (useless IMHO)
    Particle Level: HIGH
    Particle Density: HIGH

    Visual FX Settings
    Post-Processing Filters: ON (no impact)
    Exterior Sun Flare: FULL (no impact)
    Interior Sun Flare:
    Subttle (no impact)
    Yes (no impact)
    Heat Haze:
    Yes (no impact)
    Exposure Compensation:
    Rain Drops: Yes (probably impact, I didn't try lot of rain, but correct AFAIK)
    Vignette: No
    Crepuscular Rays: Yes (no impact)
    Screen Dirt:
    Cockpit Mirrors: On (no impact)

    For SharpeningStrengh in XML file (Oculus one in my case) I'm currently experimenting the max value of 2.99999 which is very nice with SMAA at medium, some flickering in fence in the distance, but YMMV obviously ;)
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  6. Chaz

    Chaz New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    HP Reverb 90fps. Low MSAA, all settings maxed. steamVR SS 110%. Looks gold.

  7. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    In the video you posted the shadows aren't working. Maybe that is why you get the high frame rate?
  8. Quambo

    Quambo New Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Hey Chaz, you have a 2080Ti and a beast computer, and you are running at 1.10 ss. Does it drop below 90 at certain places on a regular basis, or is dropping below 90 very rare for you? (Oops, I totally missed that you posted a video. So, you are going below 90 in normal circumstances.)


    Thanks for the reply,
    I'm not against the idea that there is something up with my computer. I've wondered if I was getting the right performance boost from going from a 1080, which died, to a 2070 S.

    I used to be able to push 2.4 ss in Assetto Corsa on my 1080, and now I can only seem to push 2.2. I'm going to check through my other games today to see how my computer is handling them.

    For AMS2, my supersampling is set to 100% for global SteamVR and then the per-application setting for AMS2 is 80%-100%.

    I did run a benchmark test called UserBenchmark.exe yesterday, and it reported that my computer was supposedly performing as expected.

    I have Nvidia driver 445.75, which is around a month old. I have not changed anything from default in the Nvidia control panel. Background apps are not out of control but I will try turning them off.

    My chipset driver was not updated recently. I guess I could try that. I am on Windows 7, so I guess that's another thing to try upgrading.

    I will update here when I have windows 10 and new chipset driver. But I still think it's worth mentioning that all of the youtubers I have seen who have made videos on this have said their performance is something like mine.

    I would like to know how stable Chaz with the 2080Ti is at 1.1 ss.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
  9. Chaz

    Chaz New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    when I start on the grid with 20 cars, it’s around 60-75fps. Weather plays a big part. Clear skies, I can start nearly at 90fps and once the cars space out it’s a consistent 90fps. My system specs below in my sig and as mentioned in the video.

    In order to maintain a locked 90fps at all times, I’d imagine I’d have to turn down a few more options like shadows, particle effects.

    Stable game so far. No crashes or freezes in 30 hours.
  10. Quambo

    Quambo New Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Update: I've updated my drivers and moved to Windows 10. It improved things quite a bit. I would also like to know what you guys are thinking about the current reprojection options. Do you find the SteamVR asynch reprojection to be overworking when it engages? I have turned SteamVR "legacy reprojection" on.

    After going to Windows 10 and updating all motherboard and graphics drivers, it seems to have unlocked my 2070S, and, I also have a suspicion SteamVR's new reprojection modes didn't work properly on Windows 7.

    I did some testing of AMS2, and right now, my sweet spot is using 1.07 SS (SteamVR), sharpening at .75, and MSAA on low, and settings on low/med. But, I have to turn reprojection to "legacy" mode to keep it from reprojecting unnecessarily. I am able to get a pretty solid 90, once we are away from the start.

    With default reprojection, I would need to turn things down more. This game is now playable, but barely playable, performance-wise, at a point where it's barely clear enough. I still wouldn't say this game is fast in VR, considering you need something like a 1080Ti or higher for that.

    With the updating of my PC, with Rfactor 2, for instance, I went from performance like I described in my first post (still stuttering at 1.0 ss) to now pushing 2.2 ss and settings on high, solid framerate. So now AMS2 is the hardest sim to get good clarity in.

    But it's now playable! But, I want to mention the real problem here (sorry if this is off-topic), but it's Steam's reprojection ruining the experience.

    When using legacy mode, I get a smooth experience, but in bad spots, I get judder with black flickering (which is the thing I can't stand). Using the new default reprojection, I get blurry reprojection a lot of the time, even though my framerate is good.

    Using Steam's performance graph in the headset, I see that my framerate hovers around 90 (11ms/frame) and, if it goes a little above the line, on legacy mode, I do not notice anything, and it feels just like 90. It's only in very bad spots that I get judder and flickering. When I use the new standard reprojection, any time it goes above the line, it reprojects for the next dozen frames or more, even though they are below the line, making this mode constantly blurry, even though I have good performance. It is just wrecking the experience.

    So I use legacy mode, because it's the only way to push the clarity up while making good use of the framerate I am getting. I have to choose between fast framerate with black flickering and judder, or a constantly blurry image using the new "asynch" option. What happened to the setting that would just do asynchronous reprojection to only the missed frames? Am I crazy, or did SteamVR used to do that? And I also never remember black flickering before.

    The change of the reprojection options from the old (interleaved, asynchronous, or always on) settings to the new (asynch mode and legacy mode) happened a year or more ago, I believe, but I hadn't had a forced update until recently. If I recalle, it was only interleaved mode that would stay on for a period of time after triggered. Am I mistaken about how asynchronous used to work? They now force 2 bad choices, blurry due to over-applying asynchronous, or potentially seizure-inducing flicker with legacy. I feel like I am forced to use legacy.

    What reprojection mode are you guys using?
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2020
  11. Quambo

    Quambo New Member

    Apr 26, 2020
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    I need to update this about my performance issues with SteamVR. They are gone, now. The issue was the 'motion smoothing' setting. The feature was on, but the option was grayed out, and it said "not supported".

    This was what was causing the double image whenever I had the default reprojection mode on. The only things I did was changing USB ports and reinstalling SteamVR, and this option became changable.

    Now I'm not getting blurring, and I have a bit more headroom with my performance.

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