FFB Lag?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by ShrekNZ, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. ShrekNZ

    ShrekNZ New Member

    Jun 2, 2020
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    So after the most recent update I have noticed that the FFB in regards to loss of traction seems to now lag.
    For example. In the F Classic G1 M1 at Kyalami historic. Coming out of the last bend in 2nd causes the rear to kick out. Previously I would feel and see this happen at pretty much the same time. Now I see it happen and dont feel it in the wheel until Iv already reacted to it.

    Im not sure if this is entirely due to AMS 2 as I updated my wheels firmware at the same time.

    Wheel: Thrustmaster T300 RS
    Firmware: 25
    AMS 2 version:

    Thrustmaster control panel settings:


    AMS FFB settings:

    I have tried playing with the sliders in AMS 2. Like adjusting LFB and FX from 0-100. It doesnt seem to fix my issue.
  2. Simmo99x

    Simmo99x Active Member

    May 13, 2020
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    You could try deleting the AMS 2 folder and recalibrating all your settings, i had this after the last update, now i have the gain at 100, LFB 0-10, FX 50 in game and seems bang on in most cars, although not really driven the car you mention, might be different problem, i'll test and let you know.

    Also my firmware is 55, maybe you need an update on your wheel
    Plus my spring and damper are set to 0%
    Overall forces set to 75% stops clipping in most games, also allowing to keep the in game gain settings close to 100% without issues.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2020
  3. Glyn Goold

    Glyn Goold Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Are you using v-sync? This can cause controller lag? Just a thought.
  4. newtonpg

    newtonpg Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 29, 2018
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    TM-TX here and a very pleasant FFB experience on AMS2 (AC, AMS1, R3E, rF2).

    My settings: (1) Default setting on CP, (2) Adjust ingame gain to NO clipping while LFB and FX zeroed (this equals 76 to my TX), (3) Adjust LFB and FX, one at a time, to your liking (both 0 to me).

    From my experience (and I'm not an expert but a long time user) wheel clipping is passed as no FFB. As soon as the forces (re)assume a valid state, FFB returns to live. This can be interpreted as lag and could be the case.

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