VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Neawoulf

    Neawoulf Advanced Casual Sim Driver AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 29, 2019
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    I could only test this with my Oculus Rift S so i'm not 100% sure it works with all headsets. Maybe there's still something in other headsets software or SteamVR that's overriding the ingame settings?
  2. Mike Kadlcak

    Mike Kadlcak Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 5, 2016
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    I have CV1 and I dont have any issues that the world is bigger... how do you measure it anyway. ;)
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  3. Neawoulf

    Neawoulf Advanced Casual Sim Driver AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 29, 2019
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    Usually by looking at something i know very well like a door opener on a specific car for example or just something like a can of coke (if there is one in the game). When i see an object that's for example 10 cm long in reality and it appears smaller or larger ingame there's something "wrong" with the ipd setting/ingame camera stereo distance.

    To get this right the distance between the ingame cameras (left and right eye) needs to be exactly the same as the distance between your eyes. If the ingame camera stereo distance is larger than the distance between your eyes everything looks smaller and vice versa.

    That's why some people see everything too large or too small in VR while others don't have this problem with the exact same settings of the headset and ingame.
  4. Alegunner68

    Alegunner68 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 21, 2019
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    When I look down at my body I look about 12. Apart from that things look ok.
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  5. jpmmuc

    jpmmuc Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    So after rechecking a few more cars - the Caterhams are very tiny.
    I changed in openvrsettings.xml the IPD scale from 1 to 0.975 (I also looked in PC2 where I had 0.98)
    <prop name="IPD_Scale" data="0.975" />

    I think the above shown VR menu from PC2 would be really nice to have also in AMS 2, Link: VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback
    • Agree Agree x 3
  6. Neil Rosson

    Neil Rosson Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Hopefully the VR replays will get some love, but i expect not a priority for now.
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  7. museumsteve

    museumsteve New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Except in Super V8's where something has gone wrong with the legs
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. InfernalVortex

    InfernalVortex Active Member

    May 10, 2020
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    I dont think any of the cars I drive regularly have legs that make any sense so far. So that means hopefully it's on the list of things to address.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    maybe an idea for a new setup option.
    Enter weight and size of the sim driver and you get the right scaled driver body :p
    • Funny Funny x 6
  10. jpmmuc

    jpmmuc Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    And this could be added as weight correction to the car but I'm not sure if anybody would like this :whistle:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    handicap for couch potatoes ^^
    • Funny Funny x 4
  12. obious

    obious New Member

    Jun 17, 2020
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    I've finally joined the AM party! My sim rig hasn't had monitors for years now, so I buy stuff entirely based on VR support. There are two questions I'd like to have clarified for AM2:
    1. World Scaling: PC2 had a world scaling slider, but I'd argue that it was an insufficient solution. All other VR sims automatically adjust world scale based on the HMD's IPD. Is this a feature we can expect for v1.0?
    2. Nvidia VRWorks: This is a VR killer feature. Is there any plan to support at least the single pass stereo rendering feature?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. jpmmuc

    jpmmuc Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    I have it all and never realized that even only one of them scales automatically when I change my IPD. So I need this manual scaling possibility. In some games you have to adapt the IPD in config files because the sim don't support it in game like AMS 2 atm.
    And you should think about the HMDs with a fixed IPD what's not the same as of their users. So adjustment is in all cases needed even when the basic adaption is made by the reported IPD from the game automatically. Or think if someone likes it a little bit larger or smaller like the FoV used by a lot of people is not always the mathematical correct one.
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  14. obious

    obious New Member

    Jun 17, 2020
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    As far as I can tell, if the HMD supports OpenVR for example, The IPD projection offset is "baked in" to the projection matrix via IVRSystem::GetProjectionMatrix. In your static IPD case, the internal L/R offset would be static const instead of dynamically updated, but the API would work exactly the same.

    I bet what's happening with the Madness engine is that the projmat is computed in-engine and the left/right offset is a static value that was modifiable via "world scale".
  15. Jean-Yves Mercy

    Jean-Yves Mercy Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 5, 2018
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    To change the world scale:
    Find "oculussetings.xml" or "openvrsettings" or "starvrsettings" in your "document / automobilista 2" folder, it depends on your helmet, and change this line:
    prop name = "IPD_Scale" data = "0.96" />
    less than 1 to enlarge, greater to decrease.

    I set it to 0.96 to enlarge the cockpits a bit.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  16. obious

    obious New Member

    Jun 17, 2020
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    Thanks for the suggestion! My point is that it's IPD dependent, and only the devs can fix it by externally computing the games "view" with a VR API.

    To prove it try this: Close your eyes and move your HMD's IPD adjuster all the way to the other side, then open your eyes. Everything will either look tiny or huge. Do it again and slide it the other way. Now everything will be the opposite big/little. We can never truly fix this even with an in-game "IPD_Scale" setting. Madness engine needs to start using VR APIs to compute the view like all other proper VR titles. I think this would be the bare minimum for a 1.0 release. Maybe it works with the Oculous API?

    My second suggestion to optimize for stereo rendering with a single draw call with something like VRWorks would be the icing on the cake. It would make AM2 a true cutting edge (from 2016 :)) VR title.
  17. Jean-Yves Mercy

    Jean-Yves Mercy Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 5, 2018
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    You are probably right, but I just indicated how to manually modify the XML file, which corresponds to what we have in PCars2 in the UI to modify the world scale, there is nothing scientiphic in it .
  18. Kaneda06

    Kaneda06 New Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Hi !

    I have a pimax but i dont know if its AMS2 or Pitool (software pimax) but impossible to play VR without steamVr

    Because PC2 Engine 3D (ams2 and pc2) need active option "parallels projection" because without this options display are double

    the problem are this options (parallell projection) is fps killer

    But for PC2 they have tricks
    Create “steam_appid.txt” in the folder where pcars2 is installed and write 378860 in that file

    And start pc2 with pitool (pcars2AVX.exe) and not need parallel projection upload_2020-6-19_10-9-20.gif

    But AMS2 need steamvr upload_2020-6-19_10-9-20.gif

    Thanks !!
  19. Jean-Yves Mercy

    Jean-Yves Mercy Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 5, 2018
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    Hello, I have a pimax 5K + and the trick for PCars works very well.
    Except that it is necessary to replace 378860 by 1066890 for the EA version of AMS2, and 1066880 for the beta.

    In fact these numbers just match the game ID in Steam.
    be careful with extensions not visible in the folders.
    your text file should be called steam_appid.txt and not steam_appid.txt.txt

    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
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  20. InfernalVortex

    InfernalVortex Active Member

    May 10, 2020
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    So I've been digging into my framerate and performance issues... I got this program called FPSVR on Steam, and it allows you to adjust super sampling in game, and I also played with reprojection.

    After spending several hours messing with it, I'm even more confused than when I started. Reprojection enabled in WMR definitely keeps things tolerable in the rainy conditions and sunsets that were driving me insane, but in the normal scenarios it seems to cause a lot of problems. But to compound this, I was playing around with the SteamVR SS and there's a global setting, that it multiplies against a per application setting for some reason? And I can adjust it, but it seems like it only goes into effect sometimes when I restart the game? or maybe only when I completely restart SteamVR? Either way, it's given me fits trying to figure out what exactly it's doing because the frame rate and GPU usage numbers often seem way off from what the SteamVR displayed SS is set at. I just gave up and set it back to "auto", and I think this may be the root of what Im dealing with. Steam seems to automatically scale resolution based on... rumors, hearsay, and conjecture apparently... and it will work great for sunny days, but as soon as you significantly increase the load, it doesnt seem to be able to adjust on the fly.

    I just cant quite figure out how to manually set it in a way that results in repeatable, consistent results yet.

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