VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Neil Rosson

    Neil Rosson Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    I leave steam at 0 & set the per app at 1.2.
  2. InfernalVortex

    InfernalVortex Active Member

    May 10, 2020
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    Steam lists a percent value for global, and a per application value. I dont know what "0" means in this context. Do you mean 100 percent for both global and application?
  3. obious

    obious New Member

    Jun 17, 2020
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    Yes, Steam global should be at 100%. Per-application for AMS2 should be ~120%.

    And as per your previous confusion on reprojection -- Reprojection is a feature intended to stop you from puking due to low frame rate. It's a feature that uses head movement and head velocity to make up or "reproject" a frame to where you move your head that the game wasn't able to draw in time. If it works, turning your head left/right will feel smoother as fake frames are guessed, generated, and inserted. But, if you hold your head steady and look out the side window while driving, if the game is running at 20 FPS, it will look like 20 FPS since there is no head motion data to reproject with.
    This is the classic reprojection algorithm. It's probably much fancier today -- as an example the Oculous reprojection is superior to the Valve one.
  4. InfernalVortex

    InfernalVortex Active Member

    May 10, 2020
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    Windows Mixed Reality has its own reprojection in it. You can enable it and an indicator showing whether it's on or off or only on when framerate drops below 90. I had it set to only activate when framerate drops below 90, but due to weird behavior with the SS settings not seeming to match what I asked or what was displayed, I could never quite tell what was going on with it, since it seemed even when I turned SS down, the GPU usage would be low and CPU usage low (50s or less for both) and the framerate would be very low. Sometimes the GPU usage would be higher, 80ish, and reprojection was set to auto and would not be triggered, and sometimes I'd turn the SS way down, and then restart and it would be set way too high. I had cases where GPU usage was 50 percent, CPU usage at 20 percent, and framerate was 45 (reprojection triggered to on). And then I had some times I booted and SS was very high even though I had just set it very low and reprojection did not trigger. It's more of a beta feature, so I wonder if it gets "stuck" on or something.

    I finally gave up and just set everything back to auto due to how wonky everything worked together. I'll figure out the pattern eventually. It may just be a matter of shutting down WMR and SteamVR and rebooting completely, instead of exiting and restarting the game.
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  5. Neil Rosson

    Neil Rosson Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    yes sorry 100% & 120%. Its not a huge amount but thats all i can manage on my system titan(xp) & valve index.
  6. YoLolo69

    YoLolo69 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    I'm not sure to understand why you would like to use any SS from whatever sources, when you have the XML trick which do the same thing for a very low FPS cost, giving you lot of headroom to improve other visuals aspect of the game. Do you guys thinks it could make a better image quality? that's not my experience with my old Oculus CV1, and the XML trick act like if I use an SS=2.0 (which I'm not obviously, all stay at 1:1 aka 100% ) ;)
  7. Neil Rosson

    Neil Rosson Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    I've never heard of the XML trick.


    Are you talking about shapen?
    I use it but it doesn't replace SS it enhances it a bit.
  8. YoLolo69

    YoLolo69 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    Yep, that's it, SharpenStrengh. Mine is near the max at 2,9.
    In my config, I made lot of tests and this "XML trick" give me more or less the same quality (keeping 90fps) than SS=2 which give me less than 45fps. I agree SS have the superiority to help on Anti-aliasing side, where the SharpenStrengh create flickering that you need to compensate with some MSAA (Low in my case added with FXAA set in NVidia control panel). But all in one I win lot of headroom and I'm pretty happy.
  9. Neil Rosson

    Neil Rosson Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    What clamp?
  10. YoLolo69

    YoLolo69 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    I Think it's default one, my settings :

    <prop name="SharpeningStrength" sharpeningstrength="2.900000" />
    <prop name="SharpeningClamp" sharpeningclamp="0.090000" />
    <prop name="OffsetBias" offsetbias="1.000000" />

    And explanation I found on PC2 forum:
    " Explanation : Strength (0.0->3.0, default 0.0) - the strength of the sharpening, zero being off. I find a subtle amount like 0.6 to be a good starting point. Too high a value will cause shimmering effects and a generally unnatural look to the image. Note that having sharpening on at all will have a small performance cost, but the size of that hit doesn't vary with the amount of sharpening.
    Clamp (0.0->1.0, default 0.045) - limits the amount of sharpening at the local pixel level (if you have a large continuity difference between the original pixel and blurred pixel it limits the amount of offset applied).
    Offset (0.0->6.0, default 1.0) - the offset from the current pixel for the sampling pattern (so if it's 1 it will sample neighbouring pixels, any less and it will bias towards the central pixel, any more and it will start sampling pixels outside the normal kernel).

    I didn't made tests with the 2 others settings, kind of tired to have to reboot the sim each time. If other have suggestions for them they are more than welcome!
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Donato

    Donato Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    do you know by chance how to increase color saturation? my reverb is a little off, I would like to liven it up.
  12. RWB.3vil

    RWB.3vil Member

    Apr 2, 2020
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    The only color increasing you can do would be via your GPU control panel but that may only affect your monitor.

    In the NV CP its a link of the left pane called Adjust Desktop Colour Settings. The Vibrance setting would be the most functional settings to use (if it alters VR as well) . It only needs a minor bump upwards on a monitor to see a big boost in colour saturation too (5%).
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  13. amndingo768

    amndingo768 New Member

    May 10, 2020
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    I notice a brief frame drop that only occurs in the middle of corners on almost every track. Has anyone else noticed this?

    I have 20% - 30% overhead according to oculus debug tool. Tried a few combinations of settings, but it occurs with all. Strangely doesn't happen in PC2.
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  14. Ernie

    Ernie Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Does the replay mode really eat performance that much? I can drive in VR with 90fps, but if i watch a replay (in TV-cam) the performance drastically drops to 40-60fps.

    Otherwise it's currently not that comfortable to watch replays in VR, because the TV-cam acts quite strange and you have to turn your head almost 360°.
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  15. Donato

    Donato Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    thanks for the indications but they do not work on VR, only on the monitor. I thought of some parameter to modify some file, as for ipd scale
  16. Gnu009

    Gnu009 Member

    Apr 26, 2019
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    Looks good on an i7 3770 and a gtx 1060 on the Rift S.
    Glad to have a good performing VR racing sim in addition to AC and rF2!
    Happy camper here.
    Back to ETS2...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Mario Moretti

    Mario Moretti Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    I dont understand how you can be happy whit visual and performance in Vr. I run whit i7 8700 5ghz, Rtx 2080ti, 32 gb ram 3.6 ghz and i must use Supersampling at 080 whit my Hp reverb for sustain 90 FPS. and set graphics from low to med in game whit result very bad. Iracing and AC are much more FPS friedly and much more beautiful visually. P.S : in AC i can set SS at 300 and in Iracing at 180 whit 90 FPS in all situation whit 15 AI.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. Chip

    Chip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 22, 2020
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    Hey all! I finally got my first VR HMD (Valve Index), and booted up AMS2 after going through the standard setup prompts from SteamVR (e.g. haven't changed any settings anywhere yet). Although I am pleased everything functions out of the box with little work, the image doesn't look very good to me and performance is not great either. This isn't necessarily just a problem in AMS2, but I also think there is room for improvement in SteamVR "Home" as well.

    I know that the image will never be perfect, bu I am guessing most of the image quality comes down to the settings used, so I read this entire thread and I tried to save all the suggestions that seemed most relevant (see quoted messages below).

    I realize it's a lot to ask, but I would be beyond appreciative for any help you can offer. Can someone please add to anything I missed that will help performance and image quality, or correct/update anything below no longer relevant? Running on I5-9600K @ 5GHz and GTX1080TI @ 1753Mhz.

    Thank you so much!

    • Informative Informative x 1
  19. Wilfred de Ruijter

    Wilfred de Ruijter Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 10, 2020
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    Today I send my HTC Vive Cosmos Elite back. I installed the HMD after some issues. Had to do some fireware-updates and update drivers. I have a NVida GTX 1060 6 GB graphics card. It's a VR ready card, but it couldn't connect to my VR-Glasses. I looked at the SteamVR community but didn't find the answers to my problem, so I send a request to the helpdesk of Steam. Since I still haven't received any reply and the glasses are still black (no images) I opted to send it back. I am disappointed that I couldn't get the Vive Cosmos to work.
    That's why I want to share my experience with these VR Glasses.
  20. mist3rf0ur

    mist3rf0ur Member

    Apr 3, 2020
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    Chip, I've got some things you can try. Firstly, I highly recommend using the FpsVR tool on Steam. You can see real-time FPS and frame times in your headset with any VR game and there's a lot of things that can help you in the program.

    For what it's worth, I'm using a 3900x now but was previously using a 6700k at 4.7 GHz and I have a 1080 Ti like you.

    Performance: First, optimize your Nvidia Control Panel settings using this video:

    Next, I don't use Steam VR Home. I use a static background (the white or black one with the grid lines). Home used to hit performance in the beginning. I don't know if it still does.

    Maybe turn the grid count down if frame times are over 11. I could run 13-17 well on my 6700k (weather and time of day depending). My 3900x is going much further. You might fall somewhere in between.

    Enhanced mirror used to hit performance hard in PC2, at least in the early days. Does it not anymore? I have it off. I also have particles on low. Car detail high.

    Visual fidelity/clarity is going to be hard to push any further on the Index with the 1080 Ti. You could do 90 - 120 SS max. Definitely use sharpening. You shouldn't use FXAA with your specs (blurry). Put MSAA on Low or Med or even off if you can deal with maybe SS by itself.

    I use 80 or 90 Hz on the Index. You can change it on the fly while the game is running.

    I turn off most of the settings in Visual FX. Lens flare, post processing, bloom, heat haze, crepuscular rays, etc. Keep mirrors on, though.

    Check to make sure your sharpening isn't too high. Things get really crunchy if you push it too high. Play with the first number if 2.9 in the config file feels too high. I prefer higher sharpening values.

    Finally, play with the brightness on the Index. Things may look better to you brighter or darker. Again, you can adjust in real time.

    In VR, you just have to embrace immersion over fidelity. We're just not at the point of the game looking as crisp as a monitor 16 inches from your face. The screens can only get so good at the current resolution. We need DLSS 2.0 in the game, we need foveated rendering, we need 12k screens LOL. We're a ways off but it's come a long way since the Vive I had before (which I still love). Being in the car is awesome and Reiza improved how good things look visually in comparison to PC2 IMO.
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