(controversial) PC2 content in AMS2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Flashgod, Jun 30, 2020.

  1. Flashgod

    Flashgod New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 29, 2020
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    Hi there.

    I hope this isn't against forum rules, but i have this thought for a long time. Since a couple of days ago, it's pretty clear that the PCars series gets "killed" by Codemasters by transforming PC3 into a racing game i don't want. I'm sure some of you have the same feeling.
    However, what if there was a way to transfer PC2 content to AMS2? What would be needed to make this possible?:
    1. A crowd funding campaign to support Reiza aquiring licenses/ agreements?
    2. Kind of a wrapper tool to make content i have installed on my HD and already paid for available in AMS2? (definitely complicated because of legal issues)
    3. ... place your idea here ...
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  2. Simmo99x

    Simmo99x Active Member

    May 13, 2020
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    I'm sure Reiza will add there own content, which should be available if Slightly Mad managed to gain access to so much content, just a licencing issue which takes time.
    If Reiza carry on at this rate we will probably have one of the best Sim racers out there, full of content.
    I also wouldn't be shocked if they pushed AMS2 out on the new consoles in 2021, it would attract more players and more money coming in to attain more content.
    Any content taken from Pcars would need huge work anyway so pointless just copy and pasting stuff in.
    Pcars is finito really, so i'm sure a lot of the licencing acquired since PC1 using the madness engine, might in some way or another find it's way into AMS2 in the future who knows...
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  3. Gagaryn

    Gagaryn Out To Lunch AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 26, 2019
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    PC2 content will remain available in PC2 - where it belongs.
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  4. Flashgod

    Flashgod New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 29, 2020
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    I don't think you guys get the idea, AMS2 will be the only successor of PC2 that will receive ongoing development of it's engine. Meanwhile VR hardware vendors are all transitioning to OpenXR, new wheel hardware will be released. PCars2 will stop working one day, because nobody will upgrade it. My intention is to preserve it's cars and tracks to live on in AMS2.
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  5. Elcid43

    Elcid43 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2020
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    I would love Sakkito
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  6. F_B

    F_B Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 25, 2016
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    Although I don't really like PCars 2 their content is fantastic tbh.
    If Reiza can use some of SMSs models and put on their magic I don't see any problem.
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  7. Cote Dazur

    Cote Dazur Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    This is where some level of modding would be just perfect, if anyone can crack it, PC2 and PC3 content with AMS2 drive-ability would be a match made in heaven.
    DLC would also be fantastic.
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  8. David Wright

    David Wright Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    From the looks of the Ginetta G55 in AMS2, we will be getting some PC2 cars in AMS2. I am speculating but Reiza's planned new content is very ambitious for a small team but just happens to include a fair few cars which are already in PC2. Given we know Reiza can use a limited number of PC2 tracks (reworked by Reiza) its not to much of a stretch to suggest the deal included some cars as well.
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  9. Flashgod

    Flashgod New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 29, 2020
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    Audi 90 quattro IMSA GTO,
    i tuned the hell out of it in PCars2, would be on top of my wishlist. There are so many more cars that would like to continue to drive in AMS2...
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  10. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    the only SMS is allowed to license to Reiza is fantasy tracks like Bannochbrae or cars like Formula A.
    All other assets can be sold or gifted to Reiza, but they have to aquire the licenses from the license holders like Audi, Porsche, Ferrari, BMW, Mercedes etcetera and the different track owners.
    Don't mix up content creation with licenses
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Flashgod

    Flashgod New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 29, 2020
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    Hmm reading + being constructive, that is all i wanted... (1. A crowd funding campaign to support Reiza aquiring licenses/ agreements?)
  12. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    i'm with you. The mor licenses, the better.
    I just wanted to point to the situation, as many people think, just getting the things from SMS and using it is legal. Unfortunatelly not. :cool:
  13. 250swb

    250swb Active Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    It would seem a bit mad for Reiza to do such a thing as allowing PC2 content within a new game, or at any time in the future. It would purely pander to a 'them and us' conflict on the forum and within the game between those that only have AMS2, and those that have PC2 content available and AMS2. How is that going to go down on the forum when you've got a special brethren who talk among themselves?

    So just no, it's a new game, division isn't what it needs before it's even on retail sale, everybody should start with a clean sheet, not start or end up with a special stash of extra goodies over the majority of players new or old, it's just a selfish 'me, me, me' attitude.
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  14. Aletdownofstate

    Aletdownofstate Maldonado's Front Wing

    Apr 7, 2020
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    Can we stop perpetuating this myth? Codemasters didn't kill PC3. One, it's not dead, PC3 is likely going to do just fine. And two, CM had nothing to do with the direction that it's taken, if anyone has killed it, then it's SMS.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Flashgod

    Flashgod New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 29, 2020
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    Yes, SMS basically killed it by taking the 30 million $ and taking the C,A and S out of Project Community Assisted Racing Simulator. And i'm not blaming them for that. But do you really deny the Codemasters' touch in "Project Racing 3"? (took C,A,S out of it). Do you even know the history of Codemasters? They turned a lot of their franchises to **** over the years. And now with PCars3 they simply tell us: We know what you like, you don't.
    In a racing game, i usually spend a huge part of time with training and testing sessions and a lot of tuning to customize a car to my driving style. I also extremely enjoyed the thrill of all the dynamics PCars brought to the sim racing genre: dynamic weather, dynamic daytime, dynamic track conditions, especially dynamic tyre temps, pressure and wear, fuel consumption and it's effects on car weight and handling over time. No racing game before had all those features combined under one hood. PCars2 was a great and very ambitious project and now this "streamlining"... Take 10 experienced PCars2 racers with the same car, none of those cars will drive the same, thanks to the deep and sophisticated tuning options it had. PCars3 has nothing to do with it's predecessors, they should have chosen a new name or maybe now it's spelled Project Codemaster's Automated Racing Streamlined. I'm really thankful that Reiza stepped in to save most of what PCars2 was and now i'm just thinking about how and what more could be saved over from it.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2020
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  16. Yorkie065

    Yorkie065 New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 28, 2020
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    So taking, ripping or copying content from one game or another is a big no no. Reiza will obviously be aware of this, but to basically shut down this idea and let you guys know, it will land them in big legal trouble unless there is an agreement between the two studios to share assets. It's like an artist taking another artists song, and then putting it in their album and calling it "their own". Moders do it from time to time, but if studio's catch wind of a mod that has ripped a car or track from their title and can prove that that is indeed the case, they'll put their legal teams into action which is never good. So no, we should not suggest Reiza or us ourselves as a community, should try and rip or copy content from one game to AMS2.

    What we can do though and should encourage, is supporting Reiza and AMS2 so they can pursue and acquire licenses themselves. Obviously we can do that by buying the game, spreading the word to friends and fans of racing games and help publicize AMS2, and if AMS2 want to run other options such as crowd funding or possibly donations, that is up to them. From looking at Reiza's road maps, it looks like they've got a lot of great content lined up in the works anyways which I'm massively looking forward to seeing.
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  17. Aletdownofstate

    Aletdownofstate Maldonado's Front Wing

    Apr 7, 2020
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    Ian Bell confirmed several years ago that they were going in a different direction with PC3, that it was going to be 'The spiritual successor to NFS SHIFT'. Way before CM was involved. And honestly, do you think a studio can massively shift development that drastically in only a few months?

    Project CARS 3 Will Be a 'Spiritual Successor to Shift'

    @Yorkie065 Are you still working at SMS?
  18. Yorkie065

    Yorkie065 New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 28, 2020
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    I am yes.
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  19. Flashgod

    Flashgod New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 29, 2020
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    This post on the official forum has a good take on the matter:
    "It's blatantly obvious that this game was not Project CARS 3. It was the spin-off game Project CARS Revolution which was talked about last year which was a more arcadey focused version of Project CARS that's more similar to Grid. That's why they have these fictional Grid style city circuits and the upgrading of streetcars and the removal of sim features such as tyre wear, pit stops and fuel consumption. The whole vibe of the game and trailer is completely different to the previous two project cars games, hell they haven't even gone into detail about how they have improved the physics and just saying generic descriptions like its better...

    At some point late on in the development of Revolution, they have lost confidence in the ability of this spin-off to sell, so they have just renamed it Project CARS 3 and are panicking to cram as many sim features back into this arcade spinoff that they removed, but there wont be time, so now coming out with far fetched reasons to say why it's gone back on basic simulation features.

    It doesn't feel like a sequel to Project Cars 2 because it was not originally designed to be a sequel but a spinoff."
    Project Cars 3 This summer - Page 180

    However, AMS2 is alive and kicking. I didn't started this thread to discuss PCars3, please stop turning the topic around. As a fan of PCars i have expressed my feelings about it, maybe the official ****storm has an effect, software can be changed, features added... who knows. I hope SMS didn't expect people to be happy about the announcements in the devblog, for me it's obvious that those comments from leading devs are more like a weak marketing move and that they expected the public reaction. Just think about it, if they had called it "PCars Revolution" less people would have a problem with it.
    Usually, if a game creates such an uproar in the community, it shows that people really care about it, because it was special to them.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2020
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