Automobilista 2 Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. GazzasWorld

    GazzasWorld New Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    where can i download those 2 profiles from the heavy and soft do you have a link?
  2. GazzasWorld

    GazzasWorld New Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    cant find where to download the heavy and soft profiles any help be great guys :)
  3. RoccoTTS

    RoccoTTS Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 1, 2017
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  4. fatalist

    fatalist Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 18, 2019
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    Thanks Dean much appreciated!
  5. MadMax1998

    MadMax1998 New Member

    Jul 13, 2020
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    I use a Thrustmaster T300RS with Gain 100 and LFB/FX 35. I have great feel and strength in the wheel with cars such as the Ultima, Ginetta GT4 and Sprint Racer, but the open wheel cars, as great as they drive, have somewhat limited FFB. Both the steering torque and the small forces are subdued compared to the aforementioned closed-cockpit cars. This might just be a question of FFB tuning from Reiza's side, but I must say I find it weird that I can barely feel kerbs in a 90s F1 car while the Ultima or the Roco 001 gets shaken through.

    Also, some tracks (like Brands Hatch, laserscanned) have great road feel and the kerbs are intense, but some other tracks (ex. Spielberg, which has intense kerbs IRL) feel smooth and not very responsive on the kerbs.
  6. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    One problem with modern open wheel cars is the immense down force they create at high speeds. To be able to replicate that in lower-powered wheels means basically cranking the FFB up to full for fast corners. The scaling required to also have appropriately "heavy" FFB at low speeds is very difficult when it is a one-size-fits-all scale. Imagine the difference between a direct drive wheel and a Logi G.

    That being said, Reiza did a good job of balancing all this in AMS 1. So, the more people that report this and include their wheel info, the better. I think you will agree there are also differences between cars (e.g., F-V10 was always the "lightest" for me, even though it should be very similar to the F-classes immediately ahead and behind it).

    There is also a possibility to address some of this via changing the FFB code, so just keep reporting the exact details of which cars are too light (or too heavy if they clip at high speeds) and what wheel you have!
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2020
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  7. Cfst

    Cfst Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 5, 2016
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    I am wondering if Reiza will update this thread, or the original post anyway, now that v1 is out..
  8. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    Reiza mentioned they would provide a FFB strength multiplier for each car (like RRE or Iracing), that would solve the problem and allow people their own preference. I like F cars to have a tad lighter FFB compared to my other cars for really fast corrections... but someone else might not.
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  9. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    I hope we will see that soon, but it won't actually address @MadMax1998's issue which is the relative weight of the FFB between high down force and no down force. If the weight during high speed cornering is perfect (just below clipping levels) and that still results in a limp or too-light wheel at low speeds, only Reiza (or maybe a custom FFB profile) can address that because the ratio will remain out-of-whack no matter whether you increase or decrease the individual car overall FFB level.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  10. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    Agreed with above thats really reflecting cars physics into the FFB code
    The FFB multiplier wil help other cases but not that one

    There is a lot of controversy on RRE forum after the December 2019 FFB update with people complaining how bad are cars behavior now, i dont think so personnaly because there are way around to set many factors in game FFB or alter the controller file but yes the FFB multiplier is still there and dont really help these people with their concerns
  11. MadMax1998

    MadMax1998 New Member

    Jul 13, 2020
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    One thing I find incredible about AMS2's FFB is the fact that the wheel never goes "empty" when understeering. I just played a round of Project CARS 2, ACC and then AMS2 (Ultima at Jerez). Only in AMS2 does the wheel do what I'd expect it to when the car understeers (or oversteers!). In other sims the wheel just reduces FFB until it feels completely dead, to simulate the front tyres losing grip and skidding. This never felt realistic to me as skidding tyres should transmit a force to the steering rack -- it's not like we're suddenly driving on ice or in the air!
    AMS2 gives me the feeling that the tyres are trying to grip the road and that the scrubbing along the track is a tough, physical process. The FFB transmits that by making the wheel shake, judder or just change resistance in a corner. It feels very believable to me and I wonder why even ACC just reduces the FFB in a corner while you understeer; it makes the car feel floaty.

    While understeer is a problem in AMS2 with some cars currently, the FFB at least makes me feel what's going on!
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  12. bofu

    bofu New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 18, 2020
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    I can't agree to full extent. If the tyre is sliding, it's sliding, whether it's on asphalt or on ice and we should know that somehow, and that's what I am currently missing the most: "empty" (or whatever feel) in FFB when tyre is completely sliding. Same when they're "locked" because of braking. But when it's starting to lose or regain grip, this is where I agree with you, this should also be transferred to the wheel.
    I don't know, may be it's my wheel, settings, lack of driving hours or even that there is in general more grip on the fronts (compared to other sims) as I already discussed this with my friends and tyres are actually not sliding "that fast".
    Could be Reiza is aware and it's planned to improve this but that's something we can't know atm ...
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  13. bofu

    bofu New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 18, 2020
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    I can't edit my post to remove text regarding empty feel when locked because of braking - this is working just fine :whistle:
  14. fischhaltefolie

    fischhaltefolie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    In TT I don't have a clue, from which point I'm having control over the car.
    It's quite lifeless and undistinct, ffb just slowly synthesizes. This and often the startingpoint in or shortly before a corner makes the first lap in TT futile.
  15. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Automobilista 2 (PC) - Fanatec Recommended Settings

    I tried to use it on my CSW 2.5. In some cars it feels good, in some cars not. In the Stock 2020 when taking a slow corner the steer becomes a little too weak, so you do not feel the rear going when applying (too much) throttle. Generally it just works for high down force cars like writer says. Personally I prefer my 70/30 with Dri -2
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2020
  16. fischhaltefolie

    fischhaltefolie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Ingame numbers in my signature have not been correct any more.
    I changed to 75, 30, 30.
    But i tried recommended settings of Fanatec. It didn't change to the better.
    FFB comes very delayed to a level, where I can feel what to do.
    It's very different if I return to driving after game has been paused and the wheel is not aligned to tyres. There's a sensible impulse in the wheel.
  17. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    If you think the steering in a car feels the same when the tires are sliding on ice versus sliding on asphalt, then I predict you will never find good settings for AMS 2. If what you meant was that you cannot feel the tires sliding even under extreme conditions, then your settings are wrong. Start by including your hardware in your signature (as most others have) so someone with the same wheel can help get you straightened out.
  18. bofu

    bofu New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 18, 2020
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    Hm, okay my wording wasn't the best but you got what I meant. Was refering to extreme "conditions". I tried to make an intentional massive understeer where tyre should definitely be sliding with no grip at all (different car classes) and also tested that slight understeer (at turn-in and mid corner) and almost can't notice a difference in ffb. While I get perfect "empty" feedback when wheels lock under full braking with no ABS. Everything else, weight transfer, curbs, bumps, etc. feel just great.

    In other sim I can instantly feel understeer, so although I have G25, it looks like it still does the job pretty good. I have been testing back and forth, been jumping from one to another sim but it feels like here something isn't right. Or I expect something I shouldn't because I am used to it from other sims ... dunno.

    I have been testing different ingame ffb settings combinations and none really works. I already spent quite a few hours just for this. I would say that in older beta versions around 0.9 this feedback was there but as it would be gone now. I also read something similar from someone else here on the forums ...

    I really wish this would work for me, so if there is a setting/fix I would be more than happy to test. And I also tested one of the most known custom ffb file from the forum - didn't do the trick. I added specs in my sig. Thanks.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2020
  19. Fernando Alves Souto

    Fernando Alves Souto New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 14, 2016
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    Automobilista 2 was not made for the G27 steering wheel, unfortunately I couldn't find a configuration that would work, I'm disappointed.
  20. ZeferinoCoutinho

    ZeferinoCoutinho Zef_mirror_man-zefthebestofcour

    Mar 19, 2020
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    I m almost sure that if you look on the "Custom Ffb " thread you will find something...

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