Multiplayer ranking system?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by F1 Hero, Jul 20, 2020.

  1. F1 Hero

    F1 Hero Active Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    Is it going to be on the next update? Any details about it?

    Also, post here your suggestion to make it a great system.
  2. Andy-R

    Andy-R Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Apparently Pcars had some sort of ranking system so it will probably be that.

    A great rating system for me would be one that assigns a grade/license based on incidents/contacts (incident points and point brackets) which can then be used to limit access to a server. Basically Minorating for AC with some of the choice taken out of the server hosts hands.
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  3. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I hope the current penalty system hasn't a role in the ranking system.
    And if so i hope there comes another system not giving me a slowdown penalty if I go of track and losing time or/and places.
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  4. SebWizterTv

    SebWizterTv Member

    May 15, 2020
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    Anyone know any news about when they will give us the Rankning system?
  5. Lucas Vieira

    Lucas Vieira Member

    Feb 24, 2017
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    It will be implemented when they had some anti cheat system. Renato said before.

    Until you see some anti cheat software, there wont be any multiplayer ranking system.
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  6. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Its not a bad system, and will note whether you hit a barrier in a race or another car (safe rating) in race as I understand it and recall from use. keep hitting things when your online and you dont get far. It could have a few things improved upon though, imo
    Project CARS 2 – The All New Competitive Racing License Explained
    It is clear that with the recently released Project CARS 2 racer, Slightly Mad Studios is heavily focusing on the online racing scene, and wants to become one of the major eSports racing titles.

    Project CARS 2 is shipped with an arsenal of online racing and eSports features which give the private league organizers and the professional eSports scene the tools and ability to set up their online events with a minimum of effort.

    But there is more. A successful online racing event has to be moderated and has to result in a fair and competitive experience for players of various skill levels.

    In a nutshell, to ensure, that online Project CARS 2 races do not turn in to the usual wreck-fests, Slightly Mad Studios also introduced a player raring system which they call the Competitive Racing License. The rating system will track the drivers Safety reputation, Competition strength, and Overall experience. Your Competitive Racing License results can be monitored via the Drivers Network Profile pages.

    In the following text, Slightly Mad Studios explains the inner workings of the Project CARS 2 Competitive Racing License and the Safety Ranking it generates.

    Project CARS 2 the ‘ultimate driver journey’ is available for the PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

    Competitive Racing License
    New to Project CARS 2, and a game-changer with respect to the quality of the races you will now experience online, is the introduction of the Competitive Racing License, created to ensure online racing offers you the type of racing you desire and deserve.

    Broadly speaking, the license tracks three main spheres of a driver’s career: a driver’s reputation for safety, a driver’s skill level —both of which can be used as a filter for online racing—and driver experience.
    Driver experience tracks your time spent in Project CARS 2, and can be viewed in the Driver Network Profile as a graphical embellishment that charts your rise through the ranks of your Motorsport profession. While this is an insight into your ability, it won’t affect your online rankings.


    The driver reputation and driver skill stats, meanwhile, will have a large-scale impact on your online racing. These two stats, moreover, are both tracked independently, which means the host of a lobby can decide which (or both) of these driver rankings is most important to them. The host, what’s more, also has the option of not running the online reputation component if they so desire.

    If the online reputation component is chosen, it will ensure that the drivers who enter online races can be pre-scanned in accordance with ability, safety, both, or neither.

    For instance, the lobby can specify drivers of any skill level are eligible to join, but their safety rank must meet certain basic standards: This will ensure that drivers of all abilities (pace-wise) will be permitted to join (up to the lobby host’s own skill rating), but drivers who have a low safety rank will be barred.

    The host, moreover, may set the lobby to accept only elite drivers with high skill ratings and safety rankings. Or drivers of lower skill ratings but high safety rankings. The choice is yours. (To note: Both skill and safety cannot be set higher than that of the host.)

    The Project CARS 2 Competitive Racing License is, at its core, a system whereby all Project CARS 2 drivers are constantly assessed throughout their online racing career when they enter online races that track their stats. Every race counts, and how you race—and also how you choose to conduct yourself in online races—will directly impact both your skill rating as well as your online reputation when the lobby you’re racing in has the competitive license enabled.

    The consequences of this are threefold: esports functionality is greatly enhanced; a powerful and effective matchmaking tool has been created; and with the online reputation component, wreckers will find it hard to ruin online races for drivers who want to race rather than get involved in random carnage.


    How does it all work?
    For the safety ranking, drivers who decide that Turn 1 is the perfect opportunity to forget where their brake pedal is, and do so consistently, will gradually get matched with drivers of similar impulses in online races that have low (or no) minimum safety requirements.

    Your online reputation now matters because Project CARS 2 lobbies have the functionality to directly choose the level of reputation (in other words, your safety ranking) permitted in their servers. Get a reputation for wrecking, and soon enough you’ll find yourself barred from online servers that take safety rating seriously.

    Drivers, meanwhile, who race clean, will find themselves matched with drivers of similar ideas.

    Additionally, drivers will also be matched for their overall ability, speed, and racecraft, so that those who are seriously proficient will gradually find themselves matched with similarly ranked drivers. This ensures that, whatever your ability, the more you race online, the closer you will be matched with drivers of your own capabilities in order to ensure competitive races.


    The way this works is as follows: If you race and win against drivers who are a lot better than you, you’re going to get a lot of points—similarly, beating drivers who are slightly better will also see you get assigned a decent point score. If you beat drivers who are worse than you, you’re still going to get points, but not as much as if you beat higher-ranked drivers. Of course, should you lose against drivers who are ranked lower than you, you’re going to lose points.

    The Competitive Racing License has been introduced to remove toxicity from online sessions, as well as adding a whole new component to the Project CARS franchise; progressing through your online racing career is now another way of enjoying the world’s most authentic racing game.

    The final aspect to consider in your online progression is that, as you climb the rankings ladder, so will you become more of a candidate for recruitment for teams looking to recruit into a pro esports team.

    The Safety Ranks system is as follows: Unclassified (lowest, and also the starting point), F, E, D, C, B, A, S (highest).
    This Skill Rating number ranges from the lowest at 100, up to 5,000 as the highest, with the player’s starting strength set to 1,500. All players should be aiming for S5000 licenses therefore.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2020
    • Informative Informative x 3
  7. Andy-R

    Andy-R Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Okay that is interesting. Happy to read (assuming it will work exactly the same) that there should be a possibility to just use the safety rating system. A bit odd that the worst safety rating is also where new drivers are placed but it is what it is.
  8. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Yes, but your s/ rating will always go up untill you (online) hit something or some vehicle ,hope the post helps for those that dont have pc2, hitting barriers has a lesser effect than hitting cars I believe drive safe and you go up regardles of winning
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Andy-R

    Andy-R Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Of course, it just seems a bit of a harsh way to do it, more so for slower but more safety conscious drivers who are stuck in the middle of a gaggle of ***** in those bottom safety ranks initially, could be bad luck for any clean driver in that time though if they meet some really bad apples, it should sort itself out in the end but it could surely be frustrating trying to come up through the safety ranks. Better to have a seperate new class and allow server hosts to decide, so there might be some servers that allow only the cleanest racers along with the newbies.

    Seems like a guilty until proven innocent system :p Assuming the safety thing works on points like they mention about the performance rating they should start us in the middle same as p rating. Maybe Reiza will have the good sense to modify that.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2020
    • Creative Creative x 2
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  10. Andy-R

    Andy-R Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    It looks like the system is active in SP also... I don't often race with AI but if I fancied an offline race with them I would probably decide against it if that can't be turned off in SP.
  11. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Mmmm should not be dont recall any issues in single but mainly used online several hundred hrs. had a lot of messing around in SP but no issue, kinda pointless in sp given the online purpose of it. .
    (may be wrong of course but dont think so without checking.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. Simmo99x

    Simmo99x Active Member

    May 13, 2020
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    Please just let there be lobbies based upon your SA rating or licence..Fixed class/rotates through the tracks.
    I'm about sick to death with user created lobbies/servers, where people spend all day fiddling with settings/30 min Q, 5 min race then leave, someone else takes over and now it's all change again.
    Spend 3 hrs online and get 1 race if your lucky, driving me bonkers.
    Get back to the good old days of just racing, as long as there is somekind of system in place the rammers will soon learn.
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  13. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    (For me, I setup and see my own sessions through to end)
    But it would be nice when session ends that a session is removed from available list and not inherited, period. esp with original host name. If somebody does not leave after a race this happens, then they leave eventually, anyone else who joined the inherited host session then seems to inherit also. An cycle that should not happen. (original host may have just gone off to start new session from scratch)
    Option for original host to restart/reset session would help in this case then one could change track/car etc without having to do it all from scratch. As mentioned elsewhere.

    I often wonder when people join, then just leave a minute later, 1 scenario is they join to see who is in session, maybe looking for a friend who they know is somewhere but not sure which 1 they are in. Done this myself. It would be nice to view a more complete picture of the session without fully joining and see who is in it also.
    Pc2 gets somewhere but still had issues like counting a session youve looked at, maybe just to see how fast people are, or just to spectate in, as a race youve entered , this effects your stats.
    lots of issues with mp not just here but we do have something we can run with but lots of scope to improve and suit more people
  14. Andy-R

    Andy-R Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    We can already edit the car and track after a session back at the lobby screen but options like disallow host change upon host exit would be good, maybe with some way of still hosting from the menu screens. Also host being able to switch cars in a multi car session without losing host status. Options to end sessions and kicks players etc as host would be good to.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Ha, lol :D nose on end of face moment. Sometimes the obvious is missed. Started raining here so good enough excuse to get back inside, coffee and go for a spin.
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  16. Andy-R

    Andy-R Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Yeah it is handy to know. I think we need the server settings opened up there to allow for lap count changes and stuff to.

    I don't really know how p2p works but exiting a server to the lobby screen (rather than out of the server) and remaining as host at that screen mid session would work well, so we can swap vehicles as host.
  17. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Overall it just works a lot better, faster, more intuitive, ams2 could just import all settings (inc pit stop strategy while in pit ) options and implement anti cheat when they sort it,.
    Ranking of sorts will come 1 form or another.

    Ref pc2 an upshot these days has been fewer people actually use (if at all) the licence (safety) rating to screen bad drivers, most sessions are U licence and the skill numeric is used ie U license @1600 or default 1500

    Though not lately
    When I used it I did used to set sessions at A or S licence 1500 +with some success but joiners were fewer. Open sessions always attracted more.
    So I would run open (no risk to licence or points) P@Q with high Ai at least 1 at a pace I could keep with or beat
    . Result would be more joiners all ranks, myself /or with a few friends at front of grid to start safe race. lower grids places would have usual T1 incidents or not. (newbies could get online track experience without risk). Safe race, out front all good. when the good guys see you online again they would often return for another race or just stick around and reset another.
    some chaps (2) used to beat TT time in a race! (& they never used TT) only beat 1 once lotus 49 Monza because he lost it on turn 2.
    Things have change somewhat over the years. but had some good and some predictable bad.
    Any system will have some pluses and minuses.

    (sry I digress
    Ref view as opposed to join server.
    There are a lot of people here who have similar interest, If all they had to do is view clients in the session that are active to see whos in it, you would not have to run discord or such in background or any other method, simply fire up pc have a look at online sessions and drop in when you find the guys you know and trust.
    Hey Ho
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
  18. Ettore

    Ettore Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 21, 2020
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    The developers already clarified the following:
    1- They are working on their own system so I must assume it will be different from PC2
    2- It will not be released in the immediate future until they are sure it works well enough
    In the last development update it was not listed as one of the features about to be released so I guess it won't be this Friday?
    • Informative Informative x 1
  19. F1 Hero

    F1 Hero Active Member

    Jun 14, 2020
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    What's moving me away from AC public servers is the amount of trolls that join servers only to mess it. They join a full server and start crashing everybody on purpose, ruining qualifying and race sessions. After many tries people finally kick him, but in ten seconds he is back and starts everything again. He keeps wrecking others until 80% of the drivers get tired of that situation and disconnect.

    Therefore, I think that a "kick/ban player" vote option should be a must in a multiplayer system. After kicked the player should not be able to rejoin the server in at least 1 hour (IP ban), otherwise it will be useless to kick.

    I even think an innovative, or at least very efficient kick/ban system, can be a differential to AMS2. It could start to be considered the racing game where trolls have no place in multiplayer public servers.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Andy-R

    Andy-R Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    It was the same thing with Minorating in AC, the majority of servers only excluded the W (wrecker) class or W+D (the worst two.) At ALOOG1 we always ran the highest safety (intially A+B and then just A once it was allowed.) Like you said it does impact pop on the server but it was well worth it. I'll always choose quality over quantity, if we have a similar system in AMS2 I'll be doing the same here. I'd rather race with 5 clean guys than have a 26 car s***show :D

    The guy that made Minorating (now works in ACC) said and I agreed with him that the main problem with that system was it gave server hosts too much freedom as most just kept their servers too open. It should have limited the options available. Using the Minorating ranking as an example which is:
    A(best),B,C,D,W (wreckers/worst),N(new drivers who havent logged enough km)

    It should have not allowed server hosts to mix any combination of the above classes but instead limit to combos such as:

    . A (+N optional)
    . A+B(+N optional)
    . B+C (+N optional)
    . C+D
    . D+W
    . W
    . N

    That way people can either choose not to use the system or use it in an effective way only.

    The more high pop and highly clean servers running (with the high safety rating only) the more incentive for people who are missing out due to poor ranking to improve and the better the racing for everybody. In my experience the vast majority will choose quantity over quality (whilst complaining about bad experiences at the same time :p) so maybe devs need to limit/force the issue for the good of sim racing.
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