Fixed Setup

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by SaxOhare, Aug 8, 2016.

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  1. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Why are (the rare) public online races usinga fixed setup?, i joint a few races this night and the fixed setups just are crap. What is the meaning of a fixed setup??
    Reiza please disable this option!!
  2. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    lol - they are for people that want to run a race on more even terms, or maybe keep things simple for a quick race without all the time spent tuning. We've even ran forced default setup leagues on other race games and a lot of people loved it as they either don't have the time to tune a car or are rubbish at doing it, so get horribly out-classed by those that do know how to tune.

    For public online races I'm not surprised a lot of people run them. We run them all the time for quick fire public racing in Project Cars (5 mins qualy-5 laps). Gives a fun night racing on lots of tracks and cars and lets those with less time to play, compete better.

    Please don't disable this option.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Will Mazeo

    Will Mazeo Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I don't see a reason to turn this option off.
    Tho setup is too personal so I'm not a fan of having it locked and if you don't know how to make one you should learn. It's just dumb to be driving for 5+ years and have no idea of what a setup does. Does not mean you'll be fast but if you know the minimum to make a car fit more your driving style it's already a huge plus.
  4. P*Funk

    P*Funk Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    This blocking of set up changes would be justified with oval racing but for road racing its mostly irrelevant whether someone is on a better set up or worse set up with most non aero heavy cars, and the aero heavy ones are never driven popularly by the people who have no idea how to tune a setup.

    You don't lose or gain 2-3 seconds on a road course thanks to set up unless the set up is total garbage which pretty much none of the default Reiza ones are or unless you're a professional level driver and that's only a maybe depending on how inappropriate the default is for the track. That basically excludes everyone else who actually races online. Anyone who is a pro level driver is still faster than you and me if he was on the default set up and we were on the special one.

    Basically most people can't even finish a 5 lap race without spinning out or can't post 5 laps at roughly the same pace with less than a .500 deviation. Set up won't help these people, they won't even help me much and I consider myself better than 95% of the people I meet online (though that's more to do with my estimation of them than myself). I almost never race random online races with adjusted set ups barring changes that I know I prefer such as to steering ratio or brake pressure or brake duct. Maybe I make a rote alteration that I know suits my style, such as one that produces more oversteer which is to my taste. To be barred from this, or other such basic changes like brake bias, is infuriating therefore.

    Simply most racers are nowhere near the level of skill to make set ups make any meaningful difference to their race outcome. Its mostly a total mind job that this makes a difference to people. The only thing it really accomplishes is putting to ease the insecurities of people who are under the misapprehension that this makes a big difference.
  5. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    The main point here for me is a call to disable the option is totally the wrong way to go. "Screw everyone else, I want it my way". Want it your way, host a session or run a server.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Thiago Izequiel

    Thiago Izequiel Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    This option won't be disabled.
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  7. P*Funk

    P*Funk Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Obviously. The real way to go is to appeal to people to recognize that its mostly not a useful thing to do even if on occasion it has some value.

    This is however an old argument in the iRacing community since they often get stuck with crappy understeering fixed set ups for road series because there are people who complain they're losing to the guy who has edged them with some packer adjustments they don't understand.
  8. Sam Smith

    Sam Smith Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    The best way to go is to set up a server yourself and run it the way you like. Id suggest running it without clutch help and see how everyone goes.
  9. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I still don't understand why to use a fixed setup, perhaps to make a full throttel oval race interesting could be a reason.
    The default setups Reiza delivers are good for racers who don't use their own setups and don't want to spent time on it.
    Setting up a server without clutch help puzzles me even more, why should that help?
    And explain the relation to, not using a fixed setup?
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
  10. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Listen I prefer tuning on but the fact is forcing it to default levels the playing field which is really important if you want to run a league in a club that has a large mix of people with different time and technical knowledge. You lose half your players otherwise. We've started running a tuning on then tuning off rotation as we switch from league to league. Helps keep everyone happy.

    It also allows fun quick races to be run, again on a more level playing field, without having to sit back and let the people with 30hrs a week to play the game win every race cos they have their car pre-tuned ,which is boring and discourages as many people to play.

    Personally the more options for people the better including all assists being on if you want them. I've found the guys running without assists tend to be better at racing anyway and if you run without them and can't keep up with those that do, maybe you need some of those assists too? I appreciate each game handles assists differently though and this doesn't always stand up.
  11. P*Funk

    P*Funk Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    You mean you lose half your players to their stubborn and false perception that they're at a disadvantage not because of their lower skill and time to practice but because of the set up?

    Besides, I thought most leagues with an open set up policy always has someone near the front of the grid willing to share their set ups anyway. However what I've learned is that the fastest guys are so much better than you their set ups are often no good for mediocre people anyway.
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