Ok I switched to W11 and now everything is working. Not sure why it wouldn't work on W10 as I had it running before for years.
I tried running it as admin as well but still no luck.
Thanks, but sadly that didn't change anything
Unfortunately still no luck. EDIT: Just wanted to add that tried running Game Stockcar Extreme and it worked just fine so it doesn't seems to be...
Thanks for the response. I tried every step from the first post including deleting d3d9.dll which I guess is the file you're referring to.
I just reinstalled windows 10 and now I can't run ams1, any ideas? [IMG] I did run the DXSETUP.exe in Automobilista\Support\DirectX\Install
Are we there yet?
I wouldn't necessarily go for a single class. What I mean is that if you when you have 80 cars and 200 tracks, at some point you cross the line...
If that's what you need, that's fine. I'm just voicing my opinion.
Quality over quantity imo
How do I adjust the minimum FFB force?
GID will show your tire temps and pressure GID patched for AMS
Try steamvr beta, I'm getting better fps with it
Honestly sounds like ASW kicks in. Have you actually checked your fps or do you go by what you see/feel?
I just tried running AMS1 and it's working fine here. This is my CrewChiefVR.ini file if you want to copy it: ; Crew Chief Plugin Version:...
And ofc I found the answer 5 minutes after I posted the question. Here it is if anyone else needs it in the future Talent (RCD) files - isiMotor2...
Does anyone know what the different stats in the AI files actually do? Some of them are self explanatory but others like "Recovery" I don't know....
It's still really bad if you ask me. Wait, is that still a thing? I haven't tried it online with AI for some time but I was sure they would have...
What's your problem? I have countless times asked myself if I'm taking crazy pills thanks to this. "I have nothing to report" Ok?
The link is working but here is another one if you need it AMS_VR_beta.zip
Separate names with a comma.