Like we say in Brazil, SEXTOU or "FRIDAIED"!! I'll grab some beers and startup ams2. Let's gooo
I did a 1 hour race in nordschleife and it was so impressive. I do not like to race on rain (I still need to learn), but there was differents...
Green hell being scary. Nurburgring. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Now I can live in peace. THANKS REIZA!!
In Brazil, the official timezone is from Brasilia, which is -3 from UTC. So probably they use that timezone.
I have to be honest, yesterday I uninstall ams2 because "man, I really like the this game but we don'y have more prototypes and gte's, inclusive I...
I thought I needed to make a kind of heel-and-toe. The RPM of engine go down like if I pressed the clutch, but was my trail braking by the way. I...
Hi guys, I have a problem to brake, specially in the final of straight lines. I push to brakes and the car just spin. I don't press the brake to...
Nunca estive tão ansioso pelo lançamento de um jogo. Please Gabe, don't be late!
Separate names with a comma.