Hello ! AMS2 with last update Still compatible with opencomposite and openxrtoolkit ? Impossible to start with them Always start SteamVR with...
always nothing ??
Hello either I have a problem at home or reiza.... almost 1 year that the A.I of kart and superkart are broken..... still nothing planned???...
All kart and all superkart with all tracks One year AI are broken i understand they have lot of works but 1 year :/
Hi It's me or one year later kart and superkart AI still broken :/ ? IMG-20220524-151845 [IMG]
Whats happen with karts and super kart !!! Sévère damage when start race (project cars 2 had same problèms long Time ago) And IA kart and...
Ams2 with G2 IS AMAZING :cool::cool::cool::cool:
Hi ! I have a pimax but i dont know if its AMS2 or Pitool (software pimax) but impossible to play VR without steamVr Because PC2 Engine 3D (ams2...
active parallel projection compatibility in pitool
Hi Somebody play with motion plateforme or fanbox with simtool and ams2 ? I have problèms between ams2 and simtool I patched ams2 with the...
Hi ! with pimax we need activated parallèle projection for not have trouble screen But paralell projection mod use many FPS :/ They have a...
Hi :) I try AM2 and i love it :) Madness 3.0 very good choice !!! But with pimax we need activated parallèle projection for not have trouble...
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