You know its a slow AMS2 news day/month when you get excited to see something posted.. only to find out its a zombie post
Just set the Diff clutches to 2 (down from 6). Completely eliminates the rear end slide. They should make it the default setup and complaints...
I vaguely recall this being an issue as far back as PC1. When they swapped to some Havok based collision physics we ended up with all sorts of...
You probably installed mods which means the encrypted bff files were decrypted and extracted into your game files.
tbf, Driveclub is STILL the best looking racing game in all conditions.
forget the snow. I want to be doing this in AMS2 (just like AMS1) [MEDIA]
HAGS works for some people and not others.. it's a crap shoot and not universal results.
I sometimes wonder what the general comments about sliding would be if they actually never exposed the "clutches" setting at all and had it set to...
Try changing differential,clutches from default of 6/8 to 2. This eliminated this behaviour completely for me. Try it and by all means report...
You used to be able to add -vrnomirror command to launch options. Not sure if that still works
Merry Christmas everyone who celebrates and Happy holidays to those having one and Cheers to everyone else :) Here's looking forward to more AMS2...
One thing I find odd when comparing AMS2 GT3 to other sims is why AMS2 has the differential clutches set to 6 by default when a setting of 2 seems...
I too ended up using Virtual Desktop with headset directly plugged into wall socket. I tried all manner of cables (including powered ethernet...
When it comes to these youtubers, AMS2 seems like ABBA music. No-one wants to public say how great it is because one has a reputation to uphold in...
Yeah, this insta disagree is just pathetic around here. Disagree without comment should be banned. Feel free to disagree! but at least make some...
I raced the Gen2 AMG yesterday and it has this incessant tyre scrubbing sound which makes you feel like your tyres are constantly slipping even...
Its been stated over and over about headlights and cars behind. These scenarios have been explained over and over. Who wants to go watch a video...
You must be new around here :) This has been known and stated and asked for for ages. Nothing new here. Asked for seperate setting to change...
Are you Remco (moderator) from old WMD forum days?
He says he has most if not all settings on High so why would he be lacking shadows? Having said that, I don't see this floaty car visuals personally.
Separate names with a comma.