Where is this option within AMS? I've looked and can't find it.
I'm new to VR and it works perfectly, but I notice that the interior of the car is smaller than it should be, as is the steering wheel, does...
Does anyone have a good setup for the Logitech DD?
Thank you for putting this point of view, I hadn't thought about that, I understand that if there is a problem with the engine, it should be...
I find it incredible that after three years, this game doesn't have at least an acceptable multiplayer mode, doesn't Reiza realize that she's...
I agree with you, it's incredible how people don't talk about how the ideas for the career mode in the game will be created. remembering that the...
This arcade and simulator argument tires me. I don't think you played AC1, ACC or PC2, these three “simulators” had great career modes.
Seria incrível
This post has so many topics that I'm lost, what would be the best option for a Thrustmaster TSPC? What page would the file be on?
I like to compete with objectives, in online mode it would be to increase my rating, in career mode I would evolve and pass through different...
Automobilista 2 is my favorite simulator, but unfortunately without the career mode and without competent online there isn't much to do in the game.
Muito obrigado Renato, o simulador tem melhorado muito, mas tem muito a ser feito, Quando se trata de IA vc tem um longo caminho a seguir. sei que...
What are the recommended settings for the G923? Can anybody help me?
Já fiz serviços com eles e trabalham direito, so não cumprem bem o prazo de entrega o cara trabalha em uma garagem e tem bom conhecimento.
Então cara, comecei um campeonato personalizado e apareço como piloto alemão, vai enteder...
Cara, sem querer te desanimar mais esse com certeza não é o foco principal do AMS2, acho que tem jogos que fazem isso melhor, por exemplo F1
Seré que vira novos carros do grupo C?
Separate names with a comma.