I was using the OpenVR plugin as well, until someone pointed out to me that it creates a slightly distorted image from my Index and from that...
Oh, I forgot to answer to this: I found a great workaround for that which was suggested to me by @The Iron Wolf : It's possible to use (or even...
Oh yeah, I know that, the fact that I can use both in VR is amazing on its own, but I think the GTR2 plugin now offers one of the most polished VR...
That is an option for GTR2, but here I can only turn the HUD on or off.
So has this project been abandoned in the end? I'm only asking because one year later, the GTR2 plugin has become much more sophisticated, but...
And I'm just sitting here, waiting for my replacement mounting screws for my base.:(
But that 1.5 deg adjustment is interesting, because the UI uses integers, that's why I thought the in-game value is just some sort of multiplier.
I've noticed messages like this in the changelogs: F-Vee: Reduced baseline steering lock by 1.5 deg So I'm wondering: how should I change the...
Renato spotted a major grammatical error in the dev update that will require a top-to-bottom review of several paragraphs - unfortunately that...
Where is the ByTheWay??
I went as low as 1,250,1 and I think it makes the movement slightly more tolerable, but I agree otherwise, it's far from ideal unfortunately.
It's great that the UI can warn us now when we set more AI drivers than liveries in the class, BUT even if I set liveries - 1 amount of AI, my...
I ended up creating a fresh AMS folder in Documents, recreated my user and controller profiles from scratch, the problem appears to be fixed now.
Wait, I disabled VR and the Ultimate also kills the game on the desktop. Is that a known issue? It's my first time using AMS1 on my current build.
Just a few observations: 1. 90 degrees vertical FOV doesn't seem to be enough for the Index. I have very noticable object popping in the corner of...
I finally got the time to give this a go and it's almost as great as GTR2, my only issue is that on a flat screen, I never noticed 100% lock to...
Yeah, we gave up on hosting races (temporarily), we'll come back to it if it gets a bit more stable.
So the public version got an update and we can select the Hockenheim layouts, which is nice, BUT the AI bug still exists which makes the web UI...
But that's my point, if I change something on the webapi, it overrides the MaxPlayerSize = MaxGridSize setting.
Separate names with a comma.