When I go into the file, it takes about 4 seconds, before it appears. Do you view it in Google drive in your browser? You also want to make a...
Hey Hal, have a look at the screenshot:
I kept on tweaking the AI file for the Fiat Uno. Here is what I did: I put everything to default I did not have information about, but tweaked...
I would also like to know that. Although a potential inconsistency in lap times would also mean inconsistent races.
Cheers, I have just done so.
Version: V.1.3.2 Car: Fiat Uno Track: Goiânia Long AI Strength: 82% AI Aggression: 75% Session Distance: 30 min Weather when the issue was...
Did anybody experience exceptionally slow AI in the wet? I was racing at 82 AI difficulty with the file from above in Goiânia. In the dry, I had a...
I adjusted my AI file a bit, the gap of 0.04 between each driver was a bit to large, I was soon lapping drivers. Put it down to increments of 0.02
If anybody is interested, I have uploaded the first video for the championchip with the custom AI mentioned earlier: [MEDIA]
Thanks a lot!!! I put my championchip to 30 minutes now. But thanks for looking that up and reading my comment in the blog :)
This has probably been requested already or maybe it is not possible but I would really like to have a car radar like in ACC.
I would also like more customisation for how points in a championchip are attributed, instead of just having pregenerated options.
Being able to save custom championships as templates so that I can reuse them or change them. If I create a Custom championship and save it and...
I just created a custom driver grid with eSTee3's tool for the Copa Uno (Fiat) based on the 1993 season. I took most of my information from this...
Separate names with a comma.