Thanks, but as long as the behind the scenes assists that make it feel like driving on rails are still on, I am off. Again, thanks for taking the...
is it worth reinstalling it on 1.6 or things are still the same on this front?
I will, when you'll spend some time fixing and improving gamepad implementation
Aside from some childish comments about gamepad users, not really worth the time aside from telling these people that not matter how hard they try...
and that's why, if people (Renato for sure) haven't figured it out yet, proper gamepad implementation should be a priority. It's a user base,...
You never really played anything aside from AMS2 then. Granted that this tends to be a subjective topic from what I have seen during my 25+ years...
The funny thing is, this problem (bad gamepad implementation) was actually solved in PCars3! That's what is wild about the issue. True, pCars3...
I can totally understand that. This whole issue is so weird and bizarre that there must definitely be a specific reason behind it. However, what...
I too was annoyed not only by the fact that the gamepad support never received any proper work or fixes (considering that many problems present in...
If someone is experiencing the same high pitch sound and stumbles upon this thread, I got a way to mitigate it. It'll still happen, but way less...
Please, please, please do consider to finally fix the awful gamepad implementation for v1.5 @Renato Simioni . I'd like to spend more time and...
Twitchiness, and the feeling like you are moving on binaries rather than freely controlling the movement (and visual steering lock is way too low)
Absolutely not, it is the worst implementation in all sims (and trust me, aside from iRacing, I've tried them all)
Looks like they finally heard us
I must concur that gamepad driving in this title is still an awful experience, for the reasons listed by the OP and some other contributors to...
Guys use this to safely stop your Windows from updating (along with a ton more features and options) Winaero Tweaker
Have you read this? (just a couple posts before yours.....)
Relax and play the game in borderless window mode, your AA will be back (restore your Nvidia profile settings to default)
There you go Winaero Tweaker
Separate names with a comma.