Congratulations @Renato Simioni. You and the team made my go to race sim even better yet again. Don't let negative influences get in the way of...
Well....just awesome. Very, very good update, I am very impressed.
I read a lot about ams2 mods by Xela1, but I cannot find them anywhere. Anybody able to help me? I have been helped, thank you, community!
I would like for Reiza to put the rules they are using in a series clear in a popup window or something/
Nobody knows the rules? Devs? Moderators?
I love AMS 2, but when you do a championship in a specific series it does not explain the rules of that series. Can someone please explain to me...
I had the same thing, had to go deep in windows audio settings. When I turned of "enhanced audio" in my speaker settings in win11 problem was...
I meant, in the right, AMS2 folder
Sorry, wrong general discussion. Can Mod place it in the right Automobilista Forum?
50 lap race, Monza, Mandatory pitstop, minimal 2 tyres. Made pitstop in lap 27 under SC. Changed all 4 tyres, getting DQ starting lap 50 of 50...
Hi Devs, mods and racers. First of all, I love the current state of AMS2. Physics, FFB, AI all made huge steps since version 1.0 I do have a...
Yes and yes, but I also do that in other classes and there I do not have the same issue
Little issue with multi-class races. If you include gt4's, you get a full grid of gt4 cars (except player car if another class). Happens in full...
ACC has, and yes, that makes it very CPU bottlenecked. But I prefer it. No, it does not solve all problems, but at least it solves the AI car...
I now understand how you meant it. Sometimes difficult as English is not my first language. I apologyse to you for my responce based on...
That is why I am a supporter of a system where the AI has the same physics rules as the players. Then at least the car behaviour is realistic and...
That is great! I mean that. If you find a sim that really caters to your liking thats very nice indeed. I have that with the way R3E feels. But...
Yes? That picture explains that ACC is a cardbox driving sim? Ok. Then there is no discussion possible. You guys only want to hear, AMS2 is great,...
You think you are funny, but you are not. You say my comments are subjective, but you do not back up anything you claim. The way you respond is...
I am very informed, as I have a long history in sim racing, having read everything about RF1 engine, RF2 engine, was original backer of the ME...
Separate names with a comma.