Track & Layout Used: Any Track Cars Used: Any Applicable Settings: Races against AI Report: When running the game at a high refresh rate such as...
Track & Layout Used: Daytona Road Course Car Used: LMDH BMW Applicable Settings: Offline/Online races against AI Report: During an online race...
With a wheel you can no longer access the 'option' menu (the menu tab at the very top right of screen) on race session screens using a funky...
Noticed that too. In multiplayer sessions when I click the proceed to next session button it also for some reason is clicking the player card of...
@Renato Simioni Where do I report an issue with the new UI? With a wheel you can no longer access the 'option' menu (the menu tab at the very...
The new UI ieels so clunky With a wheel you can no longer access the option menu using a funky switch/dpad you can only access it with a mouse...
Really annoyed the price of the DLC pack bundle increased after the new dlc came out today. The DLC bundle was £63 on steam sale today, I was...
Can we have the option to make the bottom centre column of the Halo on the Formula Ultimate Gen2 car completely transparent? Right now switching...
Ok thanks. I won't buy the season pass then.
If I buy the DLC season pass will Le Mans and endurance pack be included?
I find the 'typewriter' style font used in the in game hud an odd choice for a racing game and a bit hard to read is it possible to change the...
Really miss not having Knockhill in the game, I would have thought maybe the licence would be easy to get as its a small Scottish track. Would be...
When racing online with AI and real players the races always end 1 lap early. So a 6 lap race ends at the end of lap 5. This is no matter if the...
In an online race going into the pause menu needs to stop FFB like other games. As it is right now if your in the menu adjusting something etc...
Yeah. It really needs a patch for these issues, kind of big miss on the authenticity front
Can we have an option to allow this AI customisation to be used in private lobbies? How about a notification to the joining player that custom AI...
Does changing AI names or values have any effect when using AI when hosting a private server? Do they carry over to the other player on the server...
Will the game be patched to give the option in races so that players or AI have to be forced to chang tyre compound at pitstop like the rules in...
Separate names with a comma.