We need futures i.a upgrades. They have behavior so foolish, and they never make mistakes.
The restyled Sock Car Brasil 2023 looks very nice!;)
I have a Fanatec CSL Elite. When I set this type of model automatically, other configurations are also set such as gear up and gear down. However,...
what about sebring and lemans (historic and current versions)?? It would be nice...
lets get loud to get this!! Sebring and Lemans Current and historic layouts... come on REIZA you can do it!! thats why we love you!
When will we have a more friendly way to watch replays? The other thing I have perceived is some kind of extrange camber on all cars; they look...
Finally it comes up! i have been waiting this moment since AMS2 release. Thank you so much! I love you REIZA :hurrayreiza:
I have no idea if everyone can understand portuguese to catch that analysis (vitor genz) but It is truly interesting because he drove that real...
another update without buenos aires:(
What about of Buenos aires? You added brasilia to ams2 but you didn't add buenos aires....:(
Hi, I can't buy AMS, I'm reiza backer level 3. I've trying since yesterday but I have this advertisement [ATTACH]
Hi I´m level3 but I couldn´t pay because I´ve been having this warning
automobilista´s sounds is supreme:hurrayreiza:
seria bueno agregar una opcion (por sesiones) en la cual pueda elegirse el tipo de tiempo (nublado, despejado ó con niebla). Agregaria mas...
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