About Blue flags

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by herve069, Apr 28, 2022.

  1. herve069

    herve069 New Member

    Apr 28, 2022
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    Hi Reiza team!

    First, excuse my bad english, i'll try to do the best!

    Yesterday began new championship on RFRO with Mini JCW.
    We noticed some problems with blue flag:
    - It's coming way too early and finish to disepear
    - We don't know for what car it is when there's lot of cars. Is it a direct competitor or a car which have one more lap?
    Maybe, it should be interessant to add blue flag on the top of car in the mirror or something like this? Any other idea?

    Thank you for all of your fantastic work, AMS2 is AWSOME !
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  2. Flying_Hawkic

    Flying_Hawkic Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    I agree. The blue flag shows very early, even before they are in the mirrors.µ

    Isn't there a rule that you have three corners to let them by?
  3. herve069

    herve069 New Member

    Apr 28, 2022
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    No, it seems to be longer.
    But the real problem is when there's only one category. If there're 2 catgerories and you drive the slower one it's easy to know but here...
  4. Flying_Hawkic

    Flying_Hawkic Member

    Apr 24, 2022
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    I mean the rule in reality, not in the game. I looked it up but I can't find evidence of this rule, so it might just be wrong.
  5. Alwin Papegaaij

    Alwin Papegaaij Active Member

    Aug 16, 2020
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    That really depends on the type of motorsports you do.
    In F1 you have to give way as soon as you realistically can (don't know if there's a maximum number of corners)
    In (multiclass) endurance racing it is there to alert you that there is a faster car approaching, but it does not mean that you have to give way. If you are racing the car in front, it is the responsibility of the faster car to not disturb the fight (too much)

    Exact rules I don't know, bit this is as far as I come :)
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  6. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Formula 1

    I could not find much in the FIA regulations also, perhaps it is in a set of rules that is event related and communicated in the riders-briefing, but ......

    Reaction to a blue flag must be as soon as possible
    A Blue flag is followed by a penalty if it is shown more than 3 times
    I think the stewards and the official messaging system has a role in it also.
    A driver must have the experience and the responsibility to react to a blue flag in the correct way avoiding a penalty or protest to the stewards decision.
    Most helpful feature is a blue light, the car issued a blue flag also gets a blue light on the "track signal information display"
    I think it is hard to have absolutely correct (blue) flags in game because waving a flag is partly a jury (steward) decision and not only based on some precise triggers.

    d) Light Blue flag: This should normally be waved, as an indication to a driver that he is about to be overtaken. It has different meanings during practice and the race. At all times : – A stationary flag should be displayed to a driver leaving the pits if traffic is approaching on the track. During practice : – Give way to a faster car which is about to overtake you. During the race : – The flag should normally be shown to a car about to be lapped and, when shown, the driver concerned must allow the following car to pass at the earliest opportunity.
    “FIA” Rules | Flag Marshal

    37.2During all practice sessions there will be a green and a red light at the end of the pit lane.
    Cars may only leave the pit lane when the green light is on. Additionally, a blue flag
    and/or a flashing blue light will be shown in the pit exit to warn drivers leaving the pit lane
    if cars are approaching on the track.

    8.13Track signal information display
    All cars must be fitted with red, blue and yellow cockpit lights, supplied as part of the FIA
    Standard ECU, the purpose of which are to give drivers information concerning track signals
    or conditions. The lights must be fitted directly in the driver’s normal line of sight.

    EDIT: It seems The FIA only puts out the blue flags when a driver is 1.2 seconds behind a car it wants to lap, cars 1.2 seconds behind are barely visible in AMS2 virtual mirror (100 meters at 300 km/h)
    FIA dismisses Valtteri Bottas's pleas for F1 blue flag rule change
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2022
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  7. Tiago Ribeiro

    Tiago Ribeiro You must first finish AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 18, 2021
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    To contrast to the F1 blue flag rules, this is an example from IMSA’s Porsche GT3 cup challenge where blue flags do not imply an action from the driver (emphasis is mine):

    27.10. BLUE. (the blue flag may incorporate a yellow diagonal stripe)
    27.10.1. Motionless: Another Competitor is following you and may be trying to pass you.
    27.10.2. Waved: Another Competitor may be rapidly overtaking you. Blue flags are normally used where the Driver being overtaken may be unaware of the following Car or is clearly obstructing another Car.
    27.10.3. The blue flag is advisory and is not considered a command flag.

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