AMS 2 needs a banning system

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by LowBlow, Jan 6, 2022.

  1. LowBlow

    LowBlow New Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    Mods if you are reading this I saw some absolutely disgusting conduct on a multiplayer server today that has really left a sour taste in my mouth.

    Incident 1: During qualifying a guy telling everyone that theirs moms doing something explicit to him and he just kept repeating it.

    Incident 2: I qualified P3 and on the second lap after some hard racing the three cars in the lead of a field of 20 cars come around T1 to encounter what? A player flying around T1 at full chat IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION and collects me head on before I could get out of his way, leaving me on my roof. I was C 1650 going into the race and through no fault of my own instantly lost 50 rating points and got put back down to D without ANY recourse to report this player or get my rating points back.
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  2. VFX Pro

    VFX Pro Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2017
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    Car pointing in the reverse direction for more than 2 second should automatically become transparent/ghost and for more than 5 get kicked out of the race.

    I fully understand "it's not real life"... but racing online on a computer, is not real racing as well. Until people pay a physical and financial price to "**** around and destroy other cars on purpose", many idiots will remain involved, thus we need a workaround.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2022
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  3. Obbzy_XR_

    Obbzy_XR_ Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Yep LowBlow, I understand your pain. Getting taken out on purpose is bad enough.
    Losing rating points (that may preclude you from future events) is rubbing salt into the wounds.
    The licence system seems to work fine (kind of not though as you lost a rating from C to D), but it's the rating points system that is inherently flawed.
    Surely there is a way to fine tune the points so that it picks up which cars are
    most likely in the wrong? Or, can the points system be split off from the licensing component?
    I suppose it can in a way for entry to a server (e.g C0100 should work?), but points would
    still be accumulated or lost in race....
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  4. hu uashdiasuh

    hu uashdiasuh Member

    Oct 8, 2021
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    1. u can disable the chat in the settings (atleast while driving its not visible)
    2. while its not realistic, theres a reset button that lets u get back on ur wheels if u happen to be upside down, if u quit the race after T1, its no suprise you lost safety points
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  5. Gazzawesty

    Gazzawesty Skunkedup AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    I think I was in this lobby last night. Lapped cars waiting in specific parts of the race track ready to ambush when you approach too. It seems that it is a game within a game unfortunately.
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  6. LowBlow

    LowBlow New Member

    Dec 24, 2021
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    I appreciate the tips for sure, I didn't realise that the reset button could allow you to continue a race. In any event my car was totalled. But the point about number 2 is that it appears there are now players in the game determined to ruin the experience for others and there is nothing genuine players can do about it. I liked the idea from @VFX Pro where cars that stay pointed in the wrong direction for more than 2 seconds become transparent. That would certainly deter these people from driving around the track in the wrong direction because they'd achieve nothing more than wasting their own time.

    However for now they are able to ruin entire lobbies by doing this. When you take into account that people are putting hard effort and their limited time into qualifying and then hard racing, this is really quite unacceptable and I hope Reiza take these complaints seriously.
  7. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Enable Ghosted cars does make drivers who spun and drive the opposity way transparent right away. But it won't kick.
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  8. McClutch

    McClutch Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2021
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    Looks like an exact despriction of PCARS 2 multiplayer lobbies back in the days. In regards to Rating it was nicknamed "the Grind" and did not wear of intil there were enough D and upwards servers. But after a few months the player count diminished and it was back to U100 and "the Grind" again. History just repeats itself now.

    Thats the danger of a MPRS that allowe for atracts trolls, and with the help of a secondary and tertiary Steam account kicking has no effect. AMS2 is not account locked, you can play oit using a unlimited number of steam accounts on the same PC.

    I warned of that behavioir a year ago and assumed that an MPRS will change nothing about the need for private groups for serious, or just fun racing
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2022
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  9. muz_j

    muz_j Active Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    ...I think (hopefully) some form of reporting system might come along at some stage, but that's really just wishful thinking on my part and I have no knowledge if it's in the works or not.

    I think the best advice I can offer is:
    1) Consider running a dedicated server in place of using P2P.
    I've set my own up now, instead of running P2P, as the performance overhead is almost zero, and it offers the ability to Ban users from joining your lobby, based on their steam ID. I've pre-populated my "blacklist.cfg" file for the DS, based on a text file that I use, to keep a record of other players who behave badly in sessions I'm in. I'll note their username (which might involve waiting out a race where you get "taken out", so that I can save the replay file - as in some cases, it's really not clear "who did what" in a racing incident). Once I've got their name, I'll look them up on steam. The person's Steam ID is either going to be listed in their profile URL for most people, or if they use a custom profile, view the source of their profile page, and it's listed twice in the source file (I've done this a few times).
    Once you've got the DS running, you can ban people all you like. Obviously, this doesn't help if you're joining someone else's server or P2P session.

    2) I personally have a couple of guidelines for myself when joining other sessions - you might want to consider which lobbies you are joining.
    a) if the rating system is not being used - that's a warning sign to me. No ratings, equals no consequences.
    b) if damage is disabled - that's another red flag, for the similar reasons.
    c) if realistic driver aids are not in effect, then that might be a warning that driving standards may be lacking and/or you might be dealing with people using game-pads.
    d) if the lobby is set up with a "silly" combination of car classes, then that's another red flag for me.
    - eg: combining really fast cars with really slow cars is a recipe for trouble, or say Formula 1 cars with Racing Trucks.
    e) if the lobby is filled with U rated drivers, and you've got some experience with the game, then it's probably best to leave them alone.
    ....obviously these are my own guidelines, and they're highly subjective. I'm just using them to illustrate the point.

    3) if you need basic guidance with setting up a DS - I'm happy to offer specific advice, as I've done it recently, and I've found a useful YouTube video that offers some guidance too. I'm not going to assist with detailed troubleshooting (I'm just saying that pre-emptively), but in terms of the process - I'm perfectly happy to clarify anything with that, and I'm sure plenty of other people on this forum can too (there are some threads on the subject if you do a keyword forum search), plus there's the PDF guide for the Dedicated Server too.
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  10. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    you can also parse ther server log json file, that you need for simresults and parse the names. Then you can get the steam ID very easy.
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  11. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Yeah, the blacklist/kick option is my main reason for using the dedi server, and upload the results to, which is awesome to look back at results/laptimes,etc,etc
  12. rmagid1010

    rmagid1010 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    I witnessed a toxic argument (i.e. virtual road rage) after a t1 incident between two drivers who spent the entirety of the race flaming each other in the chat, its not a good look for the sim but I guess that chat moderation is a problem that all games have, and the chat can be filtered in the settings.
  13. muz_j

    muz_j Active Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    That's really not due to a game issue though - really. It's due to bad sports / sh1tty players.
    You'll get that sort of thing in any competitive game.
    I disable the chat box in AMS 2, as I learnt in Project Cars 2 that I just can't handle reading all of the inane drivel from people.
    "wow I just nailed turn 3"
    "damn man, my engine just blew"
    "oh, it's really hard to keep this car on track in the wet"
    etc etc
    ....I'm a pretty blunt personality type and honestly - I don't care to read or hear other people's random BS - it's annoying, and I'd rather just focus on driving and trying to have fun. Real race drivers are not listening to or reading random comments from their competitors.
    For similar reasons, I struggle with any form of voice chat in racing games. Even listening to it on someone's YouTube video reminds me why I can't stand it. I've tried it with a group of friends or a few occasions and every single time, I mute that sound channel really quick.

    So my advice is to block the chat and ignore people like that.
    I'd only engage with voice or chat with people I know well, who aren't going to try and tell me their life story every lap.

    PS: I hope you got their steam ID's, so you can ban them in the future :)
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  14. Petrolhead

    Petrolhead Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 1, 2020
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    How do you do that?

    I agree that you should be to dissalow unwanted users from your own lobby
  15. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    The problem is that multiplayer has not been taken seriously enough by the developers...

    Lag predictions are horrendous and the warps that happen can be disastrous...

    It's so bad that 2 drivers can experience totally different accidents... Or 1 has an accident and is out of the race whilst the other doesn't even feel like they've touched a car and has no damage...

    Which leaves far less open servers from leagues running genuine events filled with genuine sim racers and far too many public lobbies with kids and yahoos who aren't there to simulate anything...

    The ranking system is completely bugged... Mine has never moved... And from the many reports I've seen on it it's bugged in many other ways... Let alone punishing the unwilling victim of a driver going the opposite way on the track...

    You can boot these yahoos with the vote to kick option, but the numbers of yahoos is very high because multiplayer hasn't been taken seriously enough to earn the respectful drivers that a multiplayer system that has been taken seriously produces...

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