AMS2 2020-2022 season pass, what can I expect?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Nito, Oct 25, 2022.

  1. Nito

    Nito New Member

    Oct 25, 2022
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    Hi, new AMS2 player here. Got the game last week to play in VR with my CSL DD-setup, and I have to say that the VR-performance blows the competition out of the park. Have mainly dipped my topes in F1-racing and some GT3/4 offline which has been fun. A bit worried about long term MP-population on the servers though...

    On topic: saw that the season pass is 50% off on steam this week. I find the info a bit confusing as it states a timeframe but at the same time lists a bunch of "confirmed" DLC which has not yet been released (like the street cars and the offroad adrenaline pack). Any word from the developers on how much content is guarranteed in the pack if I buy it? It seems like they are behind schedule? Or are they expecting to release the listed items on the steam page this year? Or are they jut gonna delay it and put it in a "2022-2024" season pass? If that's the case, then the price tag seems a bit steep for me, even with 50% off.
  2. AdrianJ

    AdrianJ Active Member

    Sep 2, 2022
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    Just buy it for what’s already there
    Anything in future is a bonus

    I bought it & it’s worth it for the tracks alone (to me )
  3. Nito

    Nito New Member

    Oct 25, 2022
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    I understand that i'm asking the already initiated fans when going to the developer forums. I'm sure it's good content but I mainly want to know how transparent the developers are about future content and what i'm paying for in this pack.
  4. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    The videos below have full up-to-date lists of all cars & tracks currently available in AMS2:

    If you buy the season pass you get everything listed in the videos above (13 additional track locations, 3 GTE cars, 1 DPi car, several champ cars from 3 different seasons), as well as the remaining contents of Racin' USA, and the other DLCs listed in the Steam season pass page (Brazilian Grand Prix Legends, Historical Track Pack, Street Supercars, Adrenaline). You get all that content regardless of when they are released.
    There's more content coming before the end of the year, but imo it's highly unlikely we'll get all DLC listed above this year and some of it will be released in 2023.
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  5. Nito

    Nito New Member

    Oct 25, 2022
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    Thanks for the reply! That's the clarification I was looking for. Will most likely get the season pass.

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