Hello, I like this game and I really enjoy driving. However, I want to point out that the current server browser doesn't provide sufficient information and functionality. Some things can be improved in the future. Lock icon is confusing: both open and password protected servers have it; Not clear what current session is; Not clear remaining time until the next session; There is sorting, but no filtering by series/sessions/tracks; Refreshing doesn't always work, sometimes I can't see a server that is online for 10 minutes already and I know other people joined it; (off-topic in this list, but) Rating system would be good addition. The lack of information makes searching painful. If you want to drive online in the evening, you probably want to join a server having 15-20 minutes left in the practice in order to prepare for the qualification & race. Now it takes a lot of time to find an appropriate server, because you never know these details until you join.
it does show u what session its in, the little LPQR icons show u which one its in, the letter in a different color displays the current session. i do agree that either time for the current session would be cool. the sorting does not seem to work, i sort by players and it does show me the highest at the top, but when scrolling down, there will be servers that are much higher populated than the first one displayed -.- could that be bcs there are bots driving in that server? the filtering would be cool i agree, filtering out servers in a race for example would speed up finding a sess. or maybe just display servers that are in X session, where X could be practice, quali whatever u want
Now when you said it I get it. Spoiler I thought faded icons represent current session, but it's red. Sorry
The lock thing is really confusing. At first I assumed they were all password protected but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I had to just try a few at random to see if I could join or not.