Looking at creatng my own AMS2 skins, I have searched but can't find a step by step guide detailing how to create the skins and then get them up and running in the game. If its here, I may have missed it. If not, would appreciate the process being explained.
Hi mate, there is no specific tutorial, but you can get useful information along the following thread: AMS2 - User Livery Overrides
Yeah, creating skins for AMS2 can be a bit tricky without a solid guide. From what I’ve seen, a lot of people just piece together info from different threads. That user livery overrides thread you mentioned is probably your best bet. It’s kinda similar to how I got into skin.land site—took a bit of trial and error, but once you figure out the basics, it gets easier. You might have to experiment with different file types and placements until you get it running smoothly in-game.