Automobilista 2 for events?

Discussion in 'Fan Sites & Community Events' started by Georg Bons, Feb 28, 2025 at 2:33 PM.

  1. Georg Bons

    Georg Bons New Member

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    Question mainly to Reiza directly: I am from Intracon, we are an event agency with head office in Germany. One of our customers asked us if we can provide one racing simulator as fun element for their inhouse-event and as I simrace privately, we have the equipment, but I have two questions:

    1. Can we use Automobilista 2 for such "commercial" demand in public?
    The people, who will try-out our simulator, do not need to pay for this experience and of course it is an free-of-change advertisements for Reiza :).

    2. Is there any possibility for branding customization? We would like to replace the existing advertisements visible on a racing track with company logos from our customer, if possible.

    Best Regards


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