Hi, I'm wondering if I'm the only one experimenting a massive FPS drop while driving very close behind a Boxer cup (IA) ? Usually I run a smooth 98FPS capped with max details etc. on my 3440x1440/100Hz screen with a Geforce 1070. But when I'm just behind a Boxer cup, even if there's only one, my frame rate drop instantaneously below 50 or worse (sometimes below 40). The closer I get behind, the biggest is the drop. When I'm in front (with or without mirrors actives), or if we're side-by-side there's no drop, it's only when I have at least half of the other car displayed on my screen I tried to lower every graphic settings (one by one), lower AA, cut-off Sweetfx preset, it changes nothing at all. With other cars I don't have the same issue, even with the pretty detailed Formula Classic ! Same issue on both release and beta version, and it seem to me that's something new, I already had some close races with Boxer Cup and never noticed such FPS drop before. It's a little bit annoying since I've juste started a Championship in boxer cup (Single player mode), and such FPS drop break the game for me... thanks
I've had this issue for so long that i've just avoided the Boxer forever , hopefully it has been resolved . I use the same GPU but @ 4k with v-sync so fps just tank and cause massive stutter . Fingers crossed because Reiza have reworked the physics of the Boxer and supposedly it now drives better than ever .
Indeed the issue has been fixed yes, thanks ! But know I have some kind of weird graphical glitch on the back of the car. When there's a sun reflection on the rear end there's some kind of hollow rectangle around the hood. Not sur it's related to the fix, but I never saw this before...