[Bug Report] Race-ending tyre glitch (TSI, GT4)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Dave P., Dec 5, 2024.

  1. Dave P.

    Dave P. New Member

    Dec 5, 2024
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    I'm making another thread to highlight a big, game-breaking problem that occurs with distinct categories, which the 1.6 release only slightly mitigated but did not fix.

    Some categories of car, notably the TSI cup and GT4, may have their tyre completely glitch out, regardless of damage/tyre parameters. Here is a previous thread from a fellow user notably showing it happen with TSI with good explanation of the problem:
    Odd tyre glitch

    Unfortunately this happens as well with GT4, and while it's gotten a bit harder to pull it off sometimes it does with a single shock. Here's a replay of mine where I attempted it to trigger during a cooldown lap.

    As for the aforementionned forum post, the tyre values went bananas as well, though it's not visible in the replay options. It does that, as I said, regardless of tyre degradation being on or off, nor any damage parameter. I've only had it happen so far with the McLaren, but I may try further tests with other cars. Now at least it takes some more impact to trigger compared to pre 1.6, but gamebreaking bugs like this should be a priority. GT4 racing with 48 cars is mega fun, esp with the new cars, so it would be lovely to see the problem fixed asap :c
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  2. Dave P.

    Dave P. New Member

    Dec 5, 2024
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    I tried further messing around with other GT4 cars on the same track - by committing atrocious crimes against motorsport.
    I tested every GT4 car and so far, only the McLaren 570S GT4 seems to be affected. It seems any shock or any spin of the car will trigger the bug, while I sent every other car spin and fly against others at slow corners without the glitch occurring even once.

    As for the TSI cup cars, I've tried again but haven't been able to trigger it anew. I tried torturing both base Polo and Virtus on Tikky RX, Long Beach and Adelaide without encountering the glitch since today's V1.6.3.1 update, despite the lack of any mention of a fix in patch notes. I guess I'll try again, but if there was a stealth fix about it it's a very good first step.

    If anyone encounters the bug too, please post about it!
    • Informative Informative x 2

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