Does anyone know how to stop the bumping inside the cockpit? I turned off all movements and gforces but inside the porsche GT3 cup 4.0 the camera still bounces a lot. What can I do?
I have the same problem, as have others . "Search Forums" does not help. I have asked similar question about how to stop camera. It is too much and not realistic. It is actually very stupid to put it in like that, do you see the world bouncing around when you drive on a bumpy road? No. Does the camera view on a F1 rave coverage bounce or shake? NO. Support here is very bad, ie. non existent and your response just adds sugar to the ****. I have never had such bad support for a product that took my money. The game is unplayable for me, 2D or in VR which is even worse. Do you have a decent answer? Do the developers read this "Help and support" forum? It doesn't seem like it.
If people like you used the forums search function - then they would be able to reveal that some users actually postulate that certain settings in the camera menu has helped them getting more or less rid of this shaking. Moaning all over the forum doesnt help.
De camera will always move, so first answer is no because you can't (you write you turned off all movements, i don't know how. 0 is not always off) it is not clear from your post what movements you don't like. main choice is, Headmovement relative to car or world 0 camera fixed to car 100 smooth to horizon