Hi guys, I have a netbook that I used to use for my work but no longer use so I was wondering if a fresh install of Win 7 would make it usable for an AMS Dedicated Server for my league? This is the netbook in question: ASUS Global Thanks for your help Dom
You might have a problem with the low RAM. On the tests i've made, 1 GB of RAM usually can handle only about 12 players before the dedi .exe starts using more than you have. When this happens you are going to see blinking cars and lag.
IIRC you can get additional ram. If I got the max 4 RAM in there would it be stable enough to run a league for 20 odd people?
Do you need to install the game via steam on the other computer or can you just copy the game folder to another computer?
You need steam to be at least running on the background (no need to be logged in) so the server can be seen on the list! Otherwise you will have to connect to it throuhg the IP.