Hello, I can’t get my Fanatec seq to work with AMS2, I can map it, but when I use a seq car, I can only use the paddles on the wheel. I have only Fanatec products (don’t know how it ended up there..) Is there a way to map the paddles and the seq shifter?
You should be able to connect seq. shifter and paddle shifter button functionality to one button function in the fanatec driver, afaik.
I found that with older drivers that even with the combine paddles with shifter box checked the seq wouldn't work but as soon as i updated to 381 it just worked. What driver are you using? When i first got the SQ1.5 i was on driver 347 and the driver showed it combined, i could map it in game but nothing worked, in actual fact you don't need to map the seq in game, it just works as if it is a paddle so you just map the paddles.