Scusate ho bisogno di aiuto, non riesco a configurare il mio simagic m10 nel simulatore, ho provato a resettare ilm tutto varie volte ma niente, a volte non riconosce il volante ma solo i pedali mentre altre volte nella configurazione mi scrive un messaggio di errore per sovrapposizione di imput come se pedali e volante fossero la stessa cosa.. negli altri simulatori funziona tutto perfettamente..
Sorry I need help, I can't configure my simagic m10 in the simulator, I tried to reset everything several times but nothing, sometimes it does not recognize the steering wheel but only the pedals while other times in the configuration it writes me an error message for overlapping of inputs as if pedals and steering wheel were the same thing .. in the other simulators everything works perfectly ..
i selected "custom wheel" First assigned axis to the turn left/right and that was it. Unfortunatelly AMS2/pCARS2 uses steering input for menu input too. So be shure that your wheel is centered when you try to assign other functions. Other trick is, detach your pedals while configuring your wheel. There could be a minimal input (noise) from the pedals. I have just the M10 base with a custom USB wheel, but had no problem with AMS2/pCARS1/pCARS2 to get it done.
Hi Herold,..,.thank you very much for the advice, yes I did so, and I managed to configure everything and now it works without problems ... Ciao