Copa Montana - Only car with properly functioning rear diff?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by James Lee GTE, Oct 16, 2021.

  1. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I’ve just driven this car for the first time ever today and for me it’s by far the best tin top in this sim. Purely because I have complete confidence in it when I brake and rotate and again when I apply throttle.
    It’s smooth on rotation, the physics make sense, it’s a joy to drive, it feels like I’m racing in RF2, R3E, AC etc and I’m not constantly scared that at any moment that weird juddery stuttery AMS2 rear diff weird rotation thing is going to cause my back end to slip out from under me.
    My question is, why doesn’t every other car feel as amazing as this car?
    If every other car rotated like this under braking and felt as smooth as it does when applying the gas, this game would be sent to new levels of enjoyment!
    For me whatever magic is happening in this car, needs to be applied to all cars and then finally this sim will get to where all of us believe it should be, at the very top!
    Drive the Copa Montana around VIR full circuit and see and feel what I’m typing about!
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  2. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Most cars differentials are working completely okay now in AMS2. Not everything is diff related (this is not conjecture) and if you enjoy rF2, R3E, AC more, then why not enjoying these?

    Because it might not hit your taste, like the Montana does. ;)

    But not every car does it. Also not in real life.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. steelreserv

    steelreserv Well-Known Member Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 25, 2020
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    I have to echo Crimson here, its not that the diff is working properly in the Copa and not in other cars so much as other cars are influencing diff behavior based on the own natural tendances differently. You can’t plug a Montana diff into an AJR and expect the AJR to start working the same way as the Montana.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. James Lee GTE

    James Lee GTE Active Member

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I’ve put some hours in this morning, reset all my set ups and then tinkered with a couple of settings to induce rotation and stabilise under braking. I’ll also admit I hadn’t played AMS2 for a couple of months until yesterday and was waiting for the November update, but Monza brought me back in.
    For those who don’t play AMS2 on the super regular or are new to sim racing this is for you.
    The stock set ups really aren’t great for the back rotating and some of the cars really aren’t fun to drive at stock set up. BUT…..
    Push your brake bias dependent on car to F50 or F52 which helps for heavy braking and if you have brake bias bound to your dial on your wheel increase to 60 for the quicker corners. Anti roll bar increase the number on the front close to the maximum and dependent on car play with rear anti roll bar, move up in increments of 5 to feel the difference for both stability and the car rotating.
    It would also be worthwhile looking at suspension, which I’ll be doing this afternoon and usually stiffening the front will help with turning too. But best always to tweak one thing at a time.
    Braking points in this sim are sooner than the other sims and my lap times around Monza in this sim are a lot quicker than the others. Three seconds faster in a Porsche gt3 compared to R3E and RF2. I think this is why AMS2 for me gives the best feeling / sensation of speed compared to other sims.
    I have to say this sim has massively changed for the better over the last two months. After making a couple of changes to set up and unlearning braking and turning points from other sims that I play more regularly, I’m really really enjoying the driving experience ( I also turned down FFB strength on my wheel and turned LFB in game to zero, which didn’t help rotation but made the wheel feel smooth and enjoyable ).
    I take back what I said earlier, I can say now that the rear diff is much improved, but it’s down to the player to unlock it. Which I think is a bit poo and off putting for new people getting into sim racing.
    I guess it’s like any sim once you adapt to its physics and handling and work out how to manipulate set ups to suit, it becomes second nature to drive.
    I still personally think the rear diff needs a little bit more of a tweak because I can still see and feel a judder or see saw feeling if turning on the limit, but just shy of the limit it’s smooth.

    Afternoon Testing Update
    Stiffen front and rear spring rates to the max, take them for a spin round modern Imola and then dial back the spring rates to taste, car and track combo and driving style.
    The cars feel much more alive and much more fun from simply adjusting brake bias, ARB and stiffening spring rates.
    I’m going to be spending my week off work pretty much only playing AMS2 now haha
    Hope this helps.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2021
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