I just replaced my 7700k with a 10600k and I am super happy to report I can leave Longbeach without my GPU load dropping anymore. Pretty surprised how much the 7700k was holding me back. I was under the impression AMS2 was fine on 4 cores and I was more going to see gains in ACC than AMS2 but man is this 6 core making me wish I did this upgrade long ago.
Sadly for my use case it is for sure to old. Really amazing the difference either the extra cores, IPC or both has made to the frame time. Pure joy now not getting one stutter or dip and ive been able to increase reflections and mirrors in AMS2 and shadows, mirrors and Ai in ACC. Best thing was, this upgrade (10600k/z590) cost me less than the 7700k alone (not including the z170 even) cost me some 3.5 yrs ago. Monza is a tease still my friends.
Someday,i will upgrade to this CPU too,but i need another mobo and memory then. ATM i'm happy with what i got.But good to know.
Not really the extra cores I reckon, if AMS2 is the same as PC2 it uses 2 as default, there was also an option in PC2 to run it on 1/2/3/4 cores with a steam command for lower systems. Number of physics threads: -pthreads 1 / -pthreads 2 / -pthreads 3 / -pthreads 4 • Default physics threads = 2 Not sure if it works still and I tried putting it on 4 cores in PC2 but never noticed a difference but it may help weaker systems putting it on 1. -skipcrowds was also an option to reduce load, not sure of this works now either but can test. I think the higher clock speed, better IPC and Cache will bump it, I know when I switched from a 4790k to 9600k I got around a 15-20% increase in fps across some sims, more CPU hungry ones anyway like ACC. I'm on a 9600k at 4.6 with a 1080ti and triple 1080p and it's maxed out, it does see 60fps sometimes with a large grid but for the most part its above that.
You shouldn't need new memory, the 7700k has DDR4 just like the 10600k or any modern CPU. Faster memory though may gain more performance though (not sure your memory speeds). The Mobo will need replacing but combined new CPU/Mobo cost me pretty well the same as the 7700k alone cost me. Good thing is I still have room with the z590 to upgrade to the 11th gen in a few years if I need more CPU. But you could save a little money and get a z490 or lower end Mobo instead but you are limited to 10th gen only then.
The cores did make the difference in ACC but you may be right with AMS2, whatever it is, I'm sure glad it's in my system now....finally., So happy with my PC again. I can't max out settings and still get 60 the whole time (not sure how you manage that) but the settings I've lowered from Ultra to High are not even settings I can see difference with anyway.
You are triple 1440 though, not 1080p triples like me, also you may find this interesting doesn't include AMS2 but does RRE/ACC/AC Test: CPU Core count and RAM scaling in ACC, AC1 and R3E
I do find it interesting and read it some years ago and thought i was fine with the 4c (this was my mistake and reason i stuck with the 7700k for so long) but if you read on you see a post from Stefano (Kunos) saying it isnt as good way to test CPU performance. "In replay all the physics threads are stopped so you are really only testing the graphics engine performance, not dissimilar from the AC benchmark mode (also a replay). " Also that ACC test doesn't include Ai even if it wasn't a replay as its a MP test.
Ah I read 144hz as 1440, but yeah the guy says it doesn't represent offline but replay but when testing both online and replay I got similar results , but I think it maybe illustrates that core speed and 4x cores, IPC and Cache and above are king, different CPU's bring a whole new variable, was just posting to say it 'seems' 4 cores are ok but if you upgrade to the better of the above parameters then it does help. Surprised you can't max it though, I'm sure I'm maxed, will check but I don't think I have seen 50's?
For me here the 5600x is 28% more cost for about 11% gains over 10600k so 10600k was best bang for buck even including the Mobo, B550 was same cost as z590 and i get a better Mobo in z590 5600x is $419 and 10600k is $329, lol i paid $500 for the 7700k back then I like your list though and i am slowly working my way through it
If I would upgrade my 2014 i5 to a good up to date i7: would I experience an improved performance. Maybe new mainboard and 32 RAM as well.
Yes ! You can go higher with the ingame settings.GFX should be ok,but the Intel I 7 - CPU series is a bit outdated but works flawless good.Only that M$ Win 11 does not accept the I7 series (officaly) because of security processes,but can be installed with a hack.If you have the money buy a good MOBO with a Intel I9 series for the future.I'm happy with what i got till they force me to invest in something new,but i don't see why at the moment.
Yes, I just went from 7700k to 10600k and have increased settings and not getting any more times when my fps would drop other that if my GPU was mixed to 99%. ACC was a massive issue where fps would drop and GPU utilisation would only be in the 70's, no longer, the only time fps drop is when GPU is mixed. I have raised all settings in AMS2 to max except the second reflections and in ACC I have raised mirrors, shadows and Ai numbers (previously I had Ai to 12 visible and 18 total) to 22 (all visible). When I finally get the latest GPU upgrade I can see I will be fine with this CPU for sim racing.In total the whole upgrade (CPU/Mobo) only cost me the same money as the 7700k cpu cost and I have since sold the 7700k/z170 for half my costs so it is even better. In short, the 7700k was holding my triple screen gaming back at a large rate, now even the modern i5 is a much better Gamer.