Custom Championship - List of Current Issues (v1.2.0.2)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by RockettSally, Jun 10, 2021.

  1. RockettSally

    RockettSally The Average AMS2 enjoyer

    Mar 31, 2020
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    Finally updated the thread to
    If you guys have something regarding the Custom Championships here.

    DISCLAIMER: I'm fully aware that the Custom Championship is a W.I.P. (BETA) and, as expected, there are issues regarding the feature. I'm just gonna list those that I've found to make it easier for devs to know what issues are still present.

    But, before listing stuff, I must say that this feature with the new Real Weather system is surreal! Setting multiple races on different dates, having to consider the track's climate characteristics on that particular season, and the unpredictability of Weather is just superb and creates a real tension on strategies and Race Sessions.

    However, there are some issues that are still holding this mode back - listing from the top of my head here:
    1. FIXED! - Adjusting sessions for Rounds 6 and higher is broken: It seems that the UI always refers to the first 5 rounds (as there are 5 visible slots on-screen) so if you're editing the 6th round, you might notice that the dates don't match and, instead, you're editing the 5th round. A workaround is to move the latter rounds to the 5th position, edit them, and then send them back to their desired spot - this works as it doesn't interfere with the other rounds when you change the order.
    2. FIXED! - Time Progression isn't working: Don't bother with Time Progression - it'll always set to "Real Time", despite any changes you make on the Round Selection. Once you start the champ, the game kinda resets the Time Progression to the mentioned. I was going to run some endurace races with 10x the Time Progression, only to realize in the first round that the time was still the same as the starting one (it was supposed to be night, as I was replicating a 12 hour race). The Weather, however, is working as intended.
    3. FIXED! - Refueling is "banned": It seems that, no matter what type of Point System/Regulation I choose, there's no way to refuel cars mid-race, making Endurace Races impossible unless you remove Fuel Comsumption. I guess it has to do with the fact that the "Base Champ" that the game chooses is the F3, which refuelling is banned.
    4. FIXED! - Championships doesn't end: Reported by multiple users, it seems that Championships doesn't end after the last round, instead you (seem to) go back to the Main Menu, and once you go to Championship menu, the last race is still there available to be raced.
    5. FIXED! - Rounds doesn't inform if Pit Stops are Mandatory: Reported by a few users here, there's no visual description on the Round menu (when racing the championship) if the pit stop is mandatory or not.
    6. No Class Based Point System: There are no class based point system, so beware when making Multi-Class Championships as you might leave the lower class cars almost without any points.
    7. AI doesn't pit for tyres because of Tyre Wear: I've done a few endurace races with Fuel Consumption turned off (until Refuelling gets enabled again) and I've noticed that the AI simply refuses to pit when the tyres are gone (bono...). Their tyres wil "pop" and they will go stupidly slow on track, and still refuse to pit. They'll only pit if the weather changes, pit stop is mandatory (which doesn't apply for timed races) or if fuel is running out - but because we doesn't have refuelling and I've removed fuel consumption, they just go AWOL in regards of pitting.
    8. Mandatory Pit Stops "opens on the Wrong Lap": Setting up Mandatory Pit Stops on the Custom Championships leads to a very interesting scenario. The Mandatory Pit Stop is working as intended, and you can pit at anytime and it'll count.
      Problem is that for the AI, the Mandatory Pit Stop will always open on the final lap of the race. This means that even if they pit early, the AI will always pit on the final lap. This bug can be noticed when using external Apps, such as CrewChief, which will indicate the "Pit Window to open on lap [numer of laps - 1]".
    I know that there are a lot of things missing as well, such as choosing the amount of cars per class, custom point system, but with this thread I just wanted to point out the most critical issues regarding the mode and, in the hopes that the next update we see fixes for some, or all items mentioned above.

    Again, I'm fully aware that the mode is a W.I.P., and I've been having a lot of fun with this and plan to mess around with it on different levels. This is just a "bullet point" list for the devs to be aware of the most critical points of the feature.

    Feel free to add anything in regards to the mode. And please, add your current game version when reporting your issues to know if they are still present or they were fixed on a future patch.

    Also, need to keep in mind that this is much more of a "bug report" thread instead of a "wishlist of features". Things such as "I can't add custom driver names" or "I wish I could set the amount of cars per class individually" are things that the game still doesn't have and it's already being considered/developed. In this thread we need to post things that are in-game already, they just don't work as intended or not at all.

    Have a nice drive!
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2021
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  2. F2020

    F2020 Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Thats a really interesting post.

    I am loving the new custom champ mode, played it every night this week :)

    I think the "mandatory pit stop" isnt working either, i might be wrong, but i had setup my seasons races to include a pit stop, but non of the AI pitted, so i didnt and there was no penalty, i am guessing its not active yet.

    PS Reiza this 1.2 update is THE NUTS :) great work.
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  3. torsteinvh

    torsteinvh Steam: Nietzroth AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    I knew about the other issues, but this explains why I had a neverending night with constant rain at Bathurst yesterday ;)
  4. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I agree with all the issues pointed out by OP. Also:

    Finishing the last round of championship with two races per round does not end the championship. It just goes back to the championship menu but the last race is still there, can be run again and again and nothing happens. At least give us a splash screen or something with the final results.

    The AI in the wet is still shocking. I realise this is a wicked problem, and a lot of work has gone to this, but it's still as bad as it ever was. As soon as it starts drizzling at all, the AI pace falls off the face of the planet. AI that could keep up or even outpace the player in the dry are suddenly multiple seconds a lap slower and can easily be lapped. Worse, they make odd pit stop as if they were on slicks and had to pit for wets, even when the race starts in drenched conditions. As a workaround, provide a second AI difficulty slider for wet conditions. At least that way, they could be made more challenging in the wet.

    Setting late autumn/winter dates for later rounds in the championship causes weird graphic bugs (track and structures floating in the air), because suitable seasonal textures are unavailable for some tracks. Please add a check that if the seasonal textures are missing, it defaults back to the standard ones. I'm not a big fan of racing on Rainbow Road. ;)
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  5. RockettSally

    RockettSally The Average AMS2 enjoyer

    Mar 31, 2020
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    Great Stuff!

    Keep reporting theae to keep devs aware.
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  6. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    I had the same issue with not being able to finish the championship. I also don't think real weather is working for me. Did two races as last round of championship in Montreal with Porsche GTE and two races, one started at 4am and the other at around 4pm and even though I had real weather set and the weather was identical for both races.
  7. F2020

    F2020 Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    I forgot to mention that too! would be great to have a completion of the championship with a podium celebration if you got in the top 3 or at least a cup screen / page etc to save your achievements.
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  8. RockettSally

    RockettSally The Average AMS2 enjoyer

    Mar 31, 2020
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    I'm sure that the Real Weather is working as intended because I had a race at Laguna Seca yesterday which started with Heavy Clouds, went through a massive Thunderstorm, and then came back to a Light Rain/Drizzle for the rest of the session.

    Maybe the dates you chose didn't had any rain, or the Weather system isn't working 100% in all tracks yet.
  9. Fernando

    Fernando Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Good post, thank you.

    One thing I noticed in addition to the mentioned ones is that it seems like the weather slots are not working.

    If I setup the campionship races as two slot random weather , both for P, Q and Race, all sesions are sunny and clear. If you then go to the saved championship template again, all random slots are reverted to clear weather, so I think that's the main problem: the weather slots revert to clear weather regardless the player choice.

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  10. RockettSally

    RockettSally The Average AMS2 enjoyer

    Mar 31, 2020
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    This could be related to the isse of Time Progression not working.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. torsteinvh

    torsteinvh Steam: Nietzroth AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Not always, I set up a custom championship yesterday with default weather for P, Q and Race 1, and real weather for Race 2. The first three sessions were sunny as expected, but it rained the entire second race.
  12. Alice Cooper

    Alice Cooper Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 16, 2020
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    Nah. The weather slots are not working.
  13. Alice Cooper

    Alice Cooper Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 16, 2020
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    No. The weather slots are not working.
  14. Jeff Scharpf

    Jeff Scharpf Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    I've witnessed all of the problems as the OP, point for point. I guess it's not a good idea to set up a 100% length race with fuel on at 24 hours of Daytona :)..
    Still loving the update, so I will wait for the Championship mode to be fixed. It's worth it.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Real weather definitely does something. I've seen rain of varying strengths going into dry and back again during custom championship races. Not sure if it's accurate, there doesn't appear to have been any rain in Curitiba on 30/3/2019 for example yet in game it's drenched throughout.
  16. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    It decinit
    It definitely doesnt work for me. I have run about 18 sessions since the update and had rain in about 16 of them, I have checked the weather for those regions on the race dates and none of them had rain on those dates. I always run with time and weather progression at X10, dont know if that breaks it or not.
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  17. F1Aussie

    F1Aussie Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 21, 2016
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    I have to say though, the wet race I had in Canada had chargeable conditions and having standing water that can cause aquaplaning is amazing, even with wets you have to avoid those spots or suffer the consequences.
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  18. RockettSally

    RockettSally The Average AMS2 enjoyer

    Mar 31, 2020
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    New update released for AMS2

    V1.2.0.2 -> V1.2.0.5 CHANGELOG

    • Fixed championship editor not correctly loading session weather settings from template/existing championship slots
    • Fixed error which resulted in saved custom championships having weather slots shifted by one slot
    • Fixed custom championship name not persisting when returning to editor
    • Fixed issue where session settings for a round would be reset when changing track
    • Fixed time/weather progression settings from editor not properly persisting in saved custom championships.
    • Fixed Stockcar 2020 Race 2 scoring
  19. Jeff Scharpf

    Jeff Scharpf Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 25, 2020
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    Wow!! I love Reiza!!!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  20. RockettSally

    RockettSally The Average AMS2 enjoyer

    Mar 31, 2020
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    Haven't played the old tracks, mostly the recent ones and these work wonderfully. I guess there are still some track in need of adjustments for this new system (I guess).

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