Hello everybody, i always get disconnects while racing online, after a multiplayer racestart it took me a half, or a complete round, maybe two...but the i disconnects me from the server!!! The qualifying, the warmup and the training before all went fine..but not the race! What the hell can it be??? Greetings, Michael...
This is probably the same problem as mine, I think it is a ISI motor problem with TCP ports falling "asleep" causing the disconnect. I haven't got a solution for you, but a quick fix that helps is using the chat window frequently during race to keep the TCP port open. I have assigned a button to one of the quick chat commands to do quick chats simply while I'm racing. It's really vital to do this if you are doing a formation lap or rolling start, while you are on the formation lap. I've tried everything I know of to fix this, but the chat is the only thing that helps.
For me i figured out that the firewall on my router causes the problem. Even when it´s off it will work fine...test a few hours ago! The solution with the chat window is very ugly !!! Man...shytty thing...but thank you very much Auduns...
Nice to see you found a solution Michael. So, you found that the routers firewall caused it, I've had a suspicion that this might have been an issue. Time to start bridging my router, and see if that helps.