I bought gsce after I got steam installed, when I began sim racing and enjoyed it a lot. the modding drew me in,I could shape the game to what I wanted in it. then AMS came along which turned out to be a nicer version of GSC which was/is fine. I purchased AMS as well and enjoyed it too, for the same reason as GSCE. I purchased a season pass for AMSas well and that's where this story goes wildly off the rails.after picking up the pass I recieved a bata form of AMS itself, it received every content and game update these developers offered or sold, my original game did not.I did start having major issues with that copy of the game. the beta worked good. so I uninstalled my original AMS game fingering when it became a finished product I would redownload the finished game.But now what I have is a non workable beta version of AMS, my original AMS game no longer show up in my library but is my common folder.I even got rid of GSCE at one point. but yet it has majicly reappeared in my library yet is not present in my common folder. and last but not least after these last few updates my beta game doesn't work at all any more. so as it stands i've purchased GSCE and AMS and all of their contentand presently can't play any of them. thanks a lot.....
I sounds more like a Steam problem than something with the games themselves. Are you sure you are logged in Steam, and that your Steam client is up to date? There are many tips when you look for 'steam games not showing in library' in Google: I would rather explore in that direction.
to the person that supplied the steam support link thanks, i've attempted to solved the problems I'm having through them. ended in nothing but teeth grinding frustration lol..I'm left with this last option of uninstalling both reiza games until a solution is found and honestly until a chat with a tech person so a can relay the entire journey up to this point I don't for see these problems being fixed. thanks for offer
to the person that has sugested those steam guides as a fix thanks for the sujestion and yes I've attempted them in full NOTHING has WORKED!!!!!!!!!! a las as of right now the only option left is to uninstall both steam purchased reiza games until I find a solution. and unless I'm able to chat to areal person I fear the problems won't be resolved......
Sounds like you are frustrated rather than disappointed. I have installed AMS and AMS BETA on three different computers. I've never experienced such problem, even with games on Steam. This is surely a Steam problem, not AMS itself. In fact, this is my first time hearing of such a problem with Steam. It might be a rare case and you are unfortunately one of it. Try completely uninstall Steam including the games and all of its files. If you don't have any other games, I recommend try to do a completely fresh install of Steam and the games. Else, contact Steam support.