I've got my main rig setup with 7680x1440 res on three 31.5 curved AOC gaming monitors. Like that setup for most of the time and especially longer sessions, but I want to give VR a try again with my Valve Index. What is the best way to switch settings so I can optimize for both? For instance I know in iRacing there are 3rd party software add-ons like iRacingConfig which save different game files (graphics settings, etc..) to "presets" you can load and recall at will prior to starting a session. Any guidance on best practices in AMS2, which I hear excels in VR? I typically have to launch the title from 3rd party software anyway to run peripherals like GS-5 seat (with SimXperience SimCommander 4 software launcher) or D-Box, so hopefully there are ways to launch VR and non-VR version on Steam as well. Ideally I'd love to just choose to launch in VR, and have it load (or if necessary, manually recall a different config file) with the best graphics settings for VR, then be able to switch back to load the ideal settings I have for triples when I want to play that way. What files/settings need to change and best practices if anyone has tried this?
the game automatically loads respective config files in whatever mode you are launching. eg flatscreen u want everything max and vr u want everything lowest, u just set it up once in both modes and it will load the respective config, nothing special todo not sure if i explained that understandably. start the game in flatscreen, set it up the way u want, next time u launch in flatscreen it will load like that. start in vr, now u see different settings ( the vr config loaded), change stuff to ur liking. game will load the vr or flatscreen config depending which mode u start the game in alternatively u can also go to your documents folder and look at all the available configs there and change them with a text editor C:\Users\MasterLooser\Documents\Automobilista 2
PERFECT! Thanks that's the simplicity I was hoping for! Now off to figure out best way to launch the game in VR mode vs. standard mode via my 3rd party (hardware required) launcher like SimCommander 4, SimHub, etc... Anyway that's not a Reiza issue, I'm glad the game handles alternate modes so simply and easily, wish all games did this.