Hey guys. Noticed a couple issues with the f301 car. First issue is steering lock seems a bit off. Feels like you have to turn the wheel too much to get the desired response. The f309 doesn't feel so loose. Second issue I just noticed this evening. It's related to ffb. The track that I noticed the issue in is road America. Maybe it happens on other tracks too but I've only tested on this. The problem occurs just as you approach the first bridge over the track. The ffb suddenly vibrates and rattles really heavily when you pass that point on the track and then that's it, it stays like that until you pit in and start again. Just constant rattling and vibrating. The bizarre thing is that it only happens with this car. The f309 and all other cars I tested are fine. There just seems to be a weird ffb glitch that gets triggered under certain circumstances with this car, and the only way to fix it is return to pit. Anyone else experience this? Regards, Mark.
For me it wasn't the ffb causing it, it's an oscillation caused by the tyres. Hitting a bump triggers it, and it gets more prevalent as the tyres warm up and i suspect the tyre spring rate increases:
No not really steering rotation is 450 degrees, which is what I have and the movement in game is in sync with my wheel. Second thingy - I don't feel any strange vibrations and rattles ? Every thing behaves like expected. I tested F301 on Road America with default setup and no driving aids on a clear day, did you use custom setup or driving aids? Perhaps it is hardware/driver related (posting your hardware profile in signature could help) Rattling sounds like logitech, perhaps making a custom controller profile helps
Main release doesn't have the fix yet. Not sure for current public beta right now, but the issue is known and it will be fixed.