I have triple screen setup using 3x32" Monitors Each monitor is 70cm wide and I sit 72cm from the ctr screen. I used this calculator - Modern FOV Calculator The result for PC2, which I believe is the same as AMS2 is 161deg and I believe you divide this by 3 getting 54 However the problem I have is under FOV in AMS2, cockpit camera only goes down to 88 and have seen youtube vids showing figures lower than that. So what am I doing wrong?
umm, I think you shouldnt have FOV that low with triples, my 49Ultrawide is around 105 with a screen very close. So triples should be much more even if you are 72cm away.
Make sure to go to the triple setting screen in game and tick the triples box then restart AMS 2 and you will be able to go lower , i thing to 35 Im at 57 myself . I think the triple settings dont work properly and you may need to set some numbers in the file in Documents/triplescreensettings.xml My 57 is x 3 so 171 hFOV but AMS 2 is divided by 3 for some reason but it works well .
I use Compilation of iRacing tweaks, links and general information. to set up 32" triples, have them at a distance of ~87cm at 45 deg with a FOV of 44 and it looks perfect. There's nothing wrong with the FOV of 54 but I'd make sure your angles are suitable for the viewing distance to get best results. As @2ndLastJedi said, make sure the .xml file is correct and your dimensions are exact.
well I mst be doing somit wrong In triple screens, spanning is checked but It only shows centre screen and any input is not accepted
Try unchecking / checking again. You should be able to set al the screens seperately. Right now ams 2 is stuck on single screen by the looks of it (despite the checkmark) which also explains why you can't go lower on fov. If that doesn't help try deleting your ams 2 documents folder and try again. Oh and do NOT use nvidia surround or the AMD equivalent.
Why not to use NV Surround? I've been using it ever since. But as said above, we have to edit the xml file, enter then exit AMS2 once, then a lower FOV could be entered. Is the bug showing only Single screen just w/ the latest build?
It is not needed for ams2, since he has problems I would suggest trying it without using surround. Might be a bug where ams2 sees only 1 monitor using surround which could explain his screenshot (not tested by me be since I don't use surround with ams2)
Sorted thanks. I deleted the xml file and reset. Could someone post a screen shot of what the FOV should be, let me know which car you use please
You can calculate it yourself. FOV calculator :edit, sorry I missed your first post, forget the calculator.
Configure keys to adjust the FOV to your liking. By default, it's the '[' and ']' keys. Start at what you calculated at 54, and then manually adjust up or down to your liking.