I'm not sure entirely on what I'm missing here, and I'm very confused. For fun, I selected the Formula V10 Gen2 and GT3 classes to run against each other (as one does), but the F-V10 class I selected just, doesn't exist? I thought it was something related to the livery count, but my selection even shows 47 opponents, and I didn't see another F-V10 car. What would I be missing here to select the amount of cars specifically, as opposed to a random draw of the full classes? The "Edit Grid" section is grayed out entirely too, if that's something that matters.
I'll follow this thread too as I've noticed that I have the same problem when I run a class with any customization made in the A.I. First I've noticed that when mixing original in-game class with mod class (mods which came with customized A.Is), the grid it would appear filled up with only one of the selected classes. Now, this week I've set a race with both GT3 gen 1 and gen 2 cars, having customized the A.I names for both classes. Only one class loaded up, completing the grid. So this time I did not used mods, I've only used edited A.I names and nationality. If I run any of these classes alone there is no issues about the edited names for the A.Is.