graphics set up - MSAA vs FXAA-SMAA and Super Sampling

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Benzaah, Oct 31, 2021.

  1. Benzaah

    Benzaah Member

    Apr 5, 2021
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    Hey guys,

    Can someone please help me understand how to best set up the graphics on AMS2. I wish when you hovered over the settings that there were little explanations for what each effect does( like in the set up windows for the cars), so im hoping someone can explain things a bit for me.

    Ive searched a number of the threads here and I've tried tweaking a few things but end up getting lost with the options for the graphics and things can start looking ugly real quick. I'm not that educated in Pc's and graphics card settings(This is my first serious pc in my 45 years) but Ive watched a few youtube videos and overclocked my graphics card and can hit 60 fps most of the time with medium and low settings. I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on the AMS2 graphics settings in particular the various Mssa and post AA settings.

    Im running a ryzen 3600xt at 4.6ghz, a 2060 super overclocked with a 32 inch 1440p 75htz display. I have the Nvida control panel set up with FXAA on but i can see there is also an MFAA option that's off. Currently running anisotropic 16X, v sync off, fxaa medium, super sampling low, motion blur off, frames ahead 1 and all the other settings on high.

    The things im trying to understand and some explanation on the various Mssa and post AA settings.

    If ive been trying to test MSSA settings and the mfaa option in nvidia CP is off, would that be a reason why it looks so terrible?

    I Can run MSSA Low with super sampling on but if I run MSSA on Med or Highit looks super glitchy.

    I can run FXAA Low Med with low super sampling but cant run High with or without super sampling

    I havent even gotten to the SMAA settings so no idea what these even mean.

    Ive been playing around with a number of settings this morning but its killing my free time to race today so any help is appreciated.

    Regards Benzaah.
  2. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    I run MSAA Low and in NVCP FXAA and MFAA, I've done heaps of testing over the years of pC1, pC2 and AMS2 trying to find the best settings while always staying over 60fps, my set-up has changed a bit over that time to now running triple 1080p screens and with only the 1080ti not being able to go any higher while maintaining that 60fps.
    SS Ultra would be my goal but I think even the 3090 will struggle with that.

    Search for my thread called Anti Aliasing in this forum to see all the talk that has gone on over the AMS2 life.

    But definitely try MFAA and FXAA with MSAA on the highest you can go.
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  3. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    AA is a but of a personal preference it seems, I would prefer a little blurr from TAA (AMS2 doesn't have that AA method) to remove jagging where others would prefer a crisper jaggered image :confused:
    SMAA is a newer FXAA but both alone don't do much to improve the image imo and MSAA is by far the most effective and MFAA only works is MSAA is enabled.
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  4. Benzaah

    Benzaah Member

    Apr 5, 2021
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    Thanks for your reply. ill do some more reading and playing with the settings.
  5. Case

    Case New Member

    Aug 8, 2017
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    FXAA and SMAA are fast, but fairly ineffective edge AA methods. FXAA tends to blur the image a bit, SMAA does not. The individual "levels" of those AA methods in settings correspond to the (theoretical) effect the AA has on the image, while the higher the setting, the more the performance will be affected. Personally, I don't really see a difference in image quality with SMAA beyond Medium, but going higher does affect the performance still (so I wouldn't).

    MSAA is a fairly fast edge AA method. It is more demanding than SMAA, even when comparing SMAA Ultra and MSAA Low. Again, the higher you go with the setting, the bigger the image quality gain and the lower the performance.

    Finally, there is supersampling (also abbreviated as SSAA), which in theory would be the most effective AA method, as it is not just edge AA, but it's also the most demanding. It's even more demanding than MSAA.

    In AMS2, you can also combine some of the AA methods. In that case, you get (at least in theory) a higher quality image, but it's a bit more complicated than that and the performance requirements also combine.

    As for which one to choose, that is up to you and your setup. It depends how much of a performance drop can your setup tolerate and the amount of AA you want to achieve. You have to test it and see for yourself.
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