I'm having some issues with my online server and AMS. 1. How can I change cars/series without having to shut the server down thus disconnecting all players and having to ask them to rejoin? The change track button is conveniently there but no change car/series. 2. How do I enable voting? No one can ever vote in my servers. I tried every type of setting in the multiplayer.ini file for calling votes but voting is never allowed. Players in my room can't click on any of the vote buttons within the voting screen besides sending setup. 3. How do I know which players are AI players in my room? There is no "(AI)" beside them in the timing screen nor is there any other type of indication. I usually just guess because most real players use only 1 name but I don't want to accidentally kick a real player out one of these days and sometimes it's difficult to know for sure because most players don't check the chat box often (since being relocated away from the main screen).
I guess those features are not present if you are hosting with in the game - you could try running the dedicated server at the same time. We should look into the AI prefix for it, but the others are just how things have always been.
Is there a way to enable those features in-game? It's a little odd having to be alt-tabbing out of the game in order to go into the Windows tool. If I'm already in the game, doesn't it make more sense to have everything simply in the game? The in-game one just needs a few touch ups (voting, car/series change, etc.). It's very close to being perfect
To be honest with you, I don't expect any improvements there, I dont think the things you request will be easy to add as they use different code bases and we have more pressing issues / attainable goals with bigger benefits.. With the main dedicated server you can not change series either.
Oh ok, that's too bad. I wonder why the code was only made for voting to work with the main dedicated and not the in-game. Having everything easily and conveniently located in game would be fantastic as we wouldn't have to be alt-tabbing out to the Windows desktop but it's all good. Thanks for the response
- How do I shorten the time of the delay of the race start? I'd love something like 10 or 15 secs. I run warmup and often do multiple race-restarts so the current 60 secs is a bit much. - Dedicated Target Rate="250" // Target sampling rate for dedicated server (higher #s reduce latency slightly but increase CPU usage) Would raising this improve things? I have a 6c/12t i7-5930k @ 4.5 GHz.