So here is a video of me showing that a setup isn't the important thing of getting a world record (although sometimes the key) If any of you have questions about it, I am very happy to help and give out tips and tricks.
. You know you are the alien he was referring to in his clickbait right. I spent the entire day yesterday making a basic file to understand a bit how you lot were so fast, very basic and I feel pretty stupid now but might as well share it. Did not know about the tyre bug thou! I guess a lot of ppl don't know.
I am reading your PDF ATM. I will give you how I precieve caster. I am not an engineer though and can be different per car and per sim of course. So caster. There you state that less caster makes steering less direct. It's actually the other way around. That's why you for example see mountainbikes with 0 caster, but racing bikes for example with more. Mountainbikes have to react quickly and have direct steering. Higher caster makes the car more stable under high speed turns, but also less direct.
Austin Ogonoski said that the real key to success is figuring out the exploits and this hard slick difference is just another example. That guy just avoided disclosing and TCLF pointed it out. I'd consider myself average. I was a 1:43.8 with soft slicks because soft slicks makes sense. I couldn't grasp how people on the LB had so much more grip than me. Then someone pointed out on YouTube to me that hard slicks are better. I dropped to a 1:38.1 with the only difference being the tire compound change. No setup tweaking to suspension, tire pressure, aero, camber, etc would have helped me drop that time. Only the tire compound change would. So no that guys video doesn't just apply to TCLF. It is a garbage video that tries selling people on something that as TCLF pointed out isn't what is responsible for the massive time drop. An exploit is.
Yeah, I just went on a hunt online to understand what they are I don't fully do. Thanks, I will change that in my copy!
Yeah, pointing out TCLF was just a joke cos they is quick really quick! But same here I dropped 3 seconds from 1.43something to 1.40 in one lap with my setup after watching his tyre true. Thinking back now, that guy may have copied the setup not knowing about the tire and thought that was his tweaks alone, again I dunno just given him the benefit of the doubt. Either in either compound, that ranking is getting out of control!
From a reddit commenter I heard that he tells wrong stuff all the time and acts like he knows how all the cars should handle etc. Not sure how much of that is true, but that's not the point here
That isn't possible. One carry over from PC2 that is true in AMS2 is that even if you copy a setup the tires will still default to auto select by weather and the hard slicks are not chosen by default. I say this because I copied his spec to look at it and noticed the tires were still saying auto. Tried it with multiple top leaderboard times.
Thanks @VFX Pro, I think I saw somewhere that the game might have something similar added in the future. Thanks @Remco Majoor as well I corrected the caster info, I did change them around. I also fixed the slow bump so here is a better version of it if you guys are interested.
Hey Santos, I really like this idea but you may want to get this proof read by someone who really knows their stuff. I say this because there's a couple of things that really didn't look right to me. AFAIK Bump Stop is a solid packer that prevents the suspension from compressing too much preventing the car from bottoming out, the details you have for it look to me like they should be part of the Slow Bump description. Also, IMO, you may want to add something about the Camber more or less being dictated by the track layout, a high speed track with long straights and few corners requires a more positive value while twisty tracks usually require a more negative value. There's actually an easy way to figure out your camber values using the tire temps after a few laps, you're looking for a the inner temp to be 10-15°C higher than the outer temp - at least that is what I have learnt to date. Just my 2c worth.
Yeah mate, I'm all up for that! Make no mistake this is a very basic like one day's work because I wanted to start making more sense of how to set up different cars for different tracks. I did leave tyre temps and aero out because they are more common knowledge but there's a lot to simplify and make it better. My idea was to put together something simple like a quick guide, so you can quickly memorise and stop using really, or start connecting the dots to learn what works with what and improve it for your own use. I will use your info! thanks for the feedback, I do need to send this to someone that really knows the business to have a proper setup manual, but I think before that AMS2 might have something incorporated to the game and we won't need it.