Hi! So I'm trying to load the AMS skyboxes into old rFactor Maps, but I have no idea what I'm doing. Can someone please help? Thanks! -Dan
Do you mean editing the .scn files? The newer .mas files are located in Locations\ReizaCommon I used the below for an older GSCE track (you can choose what you like from the options available from Locations\ReizaCommon MASFile=CloudsRandomA5.MAS (Original was CloudsMed.mas - which is now in Locations\ReizaCommon\bak) MASFile=SkyEuro.MAS (Original was SkyEuroAtlHazy.mas - which is now in Locations\ReizaCommon\bak) The whole re edit looks like this: SearchPath=. SearchPath=ReizaCommon SearchPath=ReizaCommon\bak <========= Added to .scn SearchPath=BTCC2011 SearchPath=BTCC2011\Snetterton_BTCC11 SearchPath=BTCC2011\Snetterton_BTCC11\Snetterton_BTCC11 //------------------------------------------------------- MASFile=CloudsRandomA5.MAS <========= Modifed to MASFile=SkyEuro.MAS <==========Modified to MASFile=Sky.MAS MASFile=spring.mas MASFile=BTCC2011_SnettertonMesh.MAS MASFile=BTCC2011_SnettertonText.MAS I then copied the GSCE commonmaps.mas to AMS install and renamed it to commonmapsgsc.mas, then pointed the .scn to use that instead as the sun looks buggy on certain time settings eg: evening or morning races IE: MASFile=COMMONMAPSGSC.MAS (from MASFile=COMMONMAPS.MAS)
For example, on this map (Charlotte): XF | Downloads - Tracks GSC 2013 - USA | Charlotte Speedway I'm trying to bring in the AMS sky box, and make it so that night time works. It just shows the daytime sky if you set the time during the night. I followed your instructions (don't have GSCE), but didn't see anything change.
You misunderstand. I'm looking to make old tracks, be they from GSCE or rFactor, to use new AMS skyboxes. I.E. What files do I have to switch out, and what lines of text files do I have to change to make it work? For the most part, they work right out of the box. By the skyboxes don't look that good, so I want to update them and re-release them for the AMS playerbase.
It appears from my limited knowledge of track modding, it doesn't look like Charlotte has files for various times of day anyhow. You best ask the original creator to update it. Original .SCN points to these files only MASFile=FMSCharlotte.MAS MASFile=FMSCharlotte_MAP.MAS MASFile=COMMONMAPS.MAS Its doesnt have these (which you find on most GSCE track mods or AMS vanilla tracks) MASFile=Clouds(variantnamehere).MAS MASFile=Sky.MAS or Sky(Variantname).mas Which makes me think that the loose sky.dds files in the same folder as the mod track are what one of those mas file points the game to, for the sky effect. Actual MAS files and how they are created & whats in them, is something I know nothing of hence my suggestion to talk to the track modder. I presume this because I added to Charlotte Speedway MASFile=CloudsRandomA5.MAS MASFile=SkyEuro.MAS Yet it doesnt change the Sky box because i assume that one of the .MAS files it uses by default points to those loose .DDS files for the sky box and ignores the changes i made to the .SCN Perhaps you can ask Reiza how to update .mas files to use the newer methods, as I have no idea how to create mods (i would like to know though)
Reading this old post, I know now smeone could give a helping hand ....i am actually at this point.....and i know many rfactor tracks are with incrediblelooking skies. I would like to learn to port many rfactor1 tracks to ams for my personal use. Thanks. And also...anyone knows how to open and modify gmt files?