Hi. I've had the game since early release but haven't really given it a good go till now. Upfront apology if this was answered before. Speedometer setup seems to be the same in minimal and full version and I cannot find engine and aero damage graphic. Am I doing something wrong? Also, bonnet view (just after bumper view) doesn't show the bonnet in many cars. Is this normal? Thanks for your help
This is normal. There is no "full" version of the speedo yet. I don't think there is one. From what I heard, these HUD widgets may have been present (and may still be) in the beta version as they were left over from PCars 2. They're not in the public release though.
Thanks for the reply. There're clearly similarities to PC2. Like the suspension damage graphic for instance which is identical. PC2 shows aero damage in HUD. Perhaps that will be added to AM2 too, as you say. I run SimDashboard on a tablet and AERO damage works on it fine so it seem to be modelled already in full just there's no hud graphic yet. Not too sure about engine damage though.
They've been working on the damage system very recently, adding detachable parts and deformation to the cars. There are also definitely various mechanical failures which are possible, though I'm not exactly sure what. I think I may have read somewhere that some of the damage systems were disabled due to a bug, but I might be thinking of something else...
It's so nice to race a SIM where active development is ongoing. It's a great SIM. I'm fully committed to support the devs. It's one of only two Sims in my repertoire where i have ultimate respect for the developpers. The other one is ACC.