Hi guys, looking for a bit of advice here, been playing Automobilista on and off for a couple of days now, but yesterday I noticed an issue with the HUD. Not sure what triggered it but my brake wear now defaults to 364% and does not go down. As well as this the brakes heat up incredibly quickly, and to absurd temperatures, over 1000C by the end of the first lap. Have tried verifying game files, switching huds, etc. but nothing has worked so far, is it a case of a clean install? Tried the beta and everything is normal there, would appreciate any help, thanks in advance.
Happening with all cars and all tracks, alright will give a clean install a try and see if that works, cheers
Unfortunately it has happened again, this is what I'm met with, any advice? It's now becoming quite annoying...
Sorry for another reply but I've fixed the problem, apparently setting the units to imperial causes this bug, thought I should let you guys know, probably something you want to fix.