I need advice with the AI

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Anthony 123, Oct 12, 2022.

  1. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    Hello all. I have a couple of questions. First i want to ask for patience. English is not my first language. I think often i appear rude on the forum and it isnt my intention. I take great pride in my self taught english but the phrasing can use some work. So with respect, i am asking for advice and feedback.

    I am greatly struggling with the ai. I know complaining about ai is a common, boring trend but i genuinely need help to play this sim. This is the only racing sim i have to play with a spotter because the ai is so damn stupid and dangerous.

    I just did a one hour practice section and was 45 minutes in before i could get a lap in. The problem is the ai seems to want to race. Very poorly. Constantly ramming me off road, performing dangerous and absurd overtaking and then slowing down and being overly careful when they pass me. Why is anyone trying to race in a practice session? Why so agressive. Its practice. Its there to get comfortable with the track and work on your set up. I quit angrily when someone yet again attempted to pass me in the corkscrew at laguna seca and rammed me off the track. I received a warning for this idiots move while he went on to complete his lap.

    Its very unpleasant to do the actual races too. They pass in the most absurd places and then are obnoxiously slow in long corners where passing is safest. Then they hit you with the incredibly unfair exit speed. They are just so dangerous and inconsistent. The only consistency you can count on is stupidity. I am constantly overdriving the car. Always understeer and engine damage because if i drive normally, i am at the mercy of the ai. Safely braking causes them to ram you. They have no ability to adjust to your line or attempt to actually race you. If you try to perfectly match the ai line, and they all train along in the same exact line, you will ram into them yourself because they are so slow into corners and you will never catch them because they so fast out of corners.

    This could be tolerable but there are no consequences for their actions. You may lose tenths simply getting a wheel off track, plus a penalty or warning, but they face none of these things. They will lock wheels with you in an open wheeler, ram you off course, and then continue on their way without losing any time. They can legitimately crash and spin on the dirt but magically correct and get back on track without losing time. You will see an accident in your mirror and then see the same car instantly appear behind you, ready to ram into you yet again. On the rare occasion they do struggle to get back on track, they just enter the track with no regard for other cars or safety. Whereas i have to wait for all cars to pass and then gently drive back on track. You have to feather the pedal to not spin on dirt but they never lose traction.

    They are glued to the track. Only on ovals do they appear to have any consequences. They have no penalties or flags aimed at their unfair and dangerous behavior. I will say, they are very good on ovals except they dont seem to want to draft when you're in the lead. Circuits are like a completely different game to ovals.

    Furthermore, the new 'random failure' damage is very unfair. Instead of a problem appearing and providing a challenge for the player, its just a random game over. With no information as to whats happening or why. Even with crew chief, he will just randomly tell you your engine is bad with no explanation. Dash apps are no help because the game doesnt provide any damage info except for engine and aero. No option to display suspension, gear or transmission damage. No information about tires. The ai doesnt seem to face any of this. They are near indestructible, whereas you are left to random luck and mercy of bad drivers. And bugs. Certain cars will accumulate engine damage instantly. Oil temps go dangerously high and damage the engine within one lap, while the ai has no problems whatsoever. Its like you're playing a completely different game from them. I understand they dont have the players full model, but they dont seem to have any damage model at all.

    My questions are as follows. How can i make the opponents also have random failures? How can i make them lose time for going off track? Can i make them get warned and flagged for contact and dangerous behavior? Can i make them back off a little so i can brake without getting rammed off road? How can i make them **** off so i can actually finish a lap in practice and qualifying? I dont want a train of cars inches from my bumper in these sessions. I understand there are ai files you can edit to change behaviors but i dont know how to do it. Can someone please advise? There are only 2 settings for ai. Speed and agression. Is there some magic hidden in these files?

    Thank you for any help
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  2. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    I forgot to mention. I just had a race at interlagos outer. Theres a huge bump in the last corner that launches me into the air. The ai seem to be glued to the ground, they dont even slow for it. I wasnt able to keep up at all because i was having to brake where they were speeding up. Is there a way to make them actually feel the effects of the track surface? They dont spin on puddles or dirt either
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2022
  3. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    Hello! The A.I is not perfect but it's still one of the best there is of any sim out there. Here goes my advice refering some of the issues you have.
    • No fix for the practice behaviour, just try to go out last so you have a clean road.
    • The A.I is indeed inconsistent corner to corner, some tracks more so than others. Still I have very seldom been rammed or hit by an overtaking ai, are you giving them enough space? Maybe try lowering the dificulty. I have raced them side by side no problem.
    • I have had only 1 random failure using the F-Usa G1. If you are not using auto clutch, remember to take care while changing gears, dont over rev the engine. Not all classes have the random failures at the moment, only the open wheels and old prototypes. You only have to enable them in the options.
    • The off track behaviour and wet grip has to be fixed by Reiza, maybe now that they are mostly done with the physics they can fix most of those issues. I just enable traction control when it starts raining.
    • Doing custom AI is really simple, there are ton of skinpacks with AI files in Racedepartment that you can download and edit to your liking. You only need Notepad++. There is a thread here that details what each paremeter do.
    My expierience with the A.I has been mostly positive, specially when compared to most sims like AC, ACC, Rfactor 2 etc. They do some dumb ****, but I mean online lobbies are full of dumbasses most of the time.
  4. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    Thank you so much for your reply! Personally, i only play ams2, rre and iracing. I think the other two have perhaps spoiled me. Their ai has issues sometimes but it isnt dangerous. I have the difficulty set to 100, agression set to low. I can race side by side in ams2, i do give space. I'm very careful about listening to my spotter. The problem is when theyre directly behind me. Then the ramming starts. I dont even think theyre trying to overtake sometimes, they're just hitting me when i brake. Its like they dont know youre there. This is how i feel in the pre race sessions too. They try to get along side you and lock you up, ram you off course. They are just oblivious to your presence

    If i lower the difficulty, they are too slow. I despise starting a race, checking the ai performance, quitting the race, adjusting ai strength, starting the race again and so on. I hated that in pcars2 and i hate it here. Its too time consuming. Its much easier to leave the ai on one number. I do raise it as much as possible on ovals. But any slower than 100 on circuits i find that im too fast to have fun.

    I almost exclusively race open wheelers in ams2. I am willing to suspect im a bad driver, but i just dont have these problems in other sims. Its like the beginning class in iracing. The other drivers are dangerous and you get penalized for it.

    For example, i just tried a race in bathurst in the McLaren mp412. Couldnt make it through qualifying due to ai locking wheels and ramming me in the tight corners. Skipped to race. There are 2 spots on track where i have to brake to avoid getting launched in the air. The ai actually speeds up in these parts. Its just unfair. If i lower the difficulty, the behavior persists but i win the race because theyre so slow everywhere else. Thats lame. I want a challenge, i want to actually race them. I lowered it to 90, still dealt with the unfair driving and took an easy win. It was boring.

    Can you point me to the thread that explains editing ai? Im willing to put the work in if its possible. They just need to adjust to your line and overtake when there's actually room. Is this possible?
  5. sgsfabiano

    sgsfabiano Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 28, 2019
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    Nothing you can do about it, not even editing AI files.
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  6. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    Thats a shame buddy. The online experience is not great. It seems single player is the way to go with ams2 but with these issues as well. Its disappointing. It isnt the end of the world though and hopefully it improves. Thank you for your response!
  7. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    Bathurst is not optimized for high power open wheel cars, try some tracks where the cars race on real life. While a custom AI file will not fix the corner to corner issues or them getting penalized, It gives each driver a "personality" and combined with the skins, you can create a rather convincing real life grid and have some fun races. Again I am not having the AI ramming issues you seem to have, I use max aggression so see if that helps. Supposedly max aggression actually makes them more aware. I do remember Pcars2 AI ramming me, but here unless I break extremely early, it doesn't happen.
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  8. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    Thank you, i will try to stick to more realistic pairings. Its just so fun though! The formula ultimate at nurburgring for example. It would never happen in reality but its amazing in game. I will try max aggression too. Thank you!
  9. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    In my experience AI in AMS2 is just as bad and inconsistent as in any other game. I generally play with AI difficulty at 100-105 depending on car/track and aggression at low (I've tried all aggression levels and the results are basically the same). At that difficulty level AI laptimes are similar to mine but they're generally too slow on corner entry and too fast on corner exit & straights. I've been playing mostly with McLaren GT4 and Porsche Cup lately but I've also done a number of races with F3 & F-V10G2. Lowering AI difficulty is not a solution, that will simply make AI laptimes slower and not fix anything, Reiza needs to make some adjustments so that their performance on corner entry and exit and straights is more consistent compared to human players.
    On practice/quali I generally leave the pits as soon as possible, my first timed lap usually gets ruined by AI but I manage to get some laps afterwards. On the issue of AI not giving you space and hitting your car, your only option is to learn their lines and behavior and try to go around them if you're behind them, and either cover the inside before getting to the braking zone or getting out of their way if you're in front if them. About AI exceeding track limits there's nothing you can do about it, same goes for AI having too much grip on grass/dirt, same goes for AI unsafely rejoining track.

    AI has a real lack on intelligence on some basic racecraft stuff: things like leaving the pits the exact moment I'm starting my lap tin practice/quali and fighting me for position during their outlap (that's a guaranteed penalty in real life), driving too close to my car and other cars in practice/quali, not backing out in in risky situations (in some cases you can close the door and push them onto the grass or against the wall and they don't back out), trying to overtake in situations where clearly there isn't enough space.
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  10. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    I think perhaps the silver lining here is thst reiza may improve these things. For my part, i will take all given advice. I will try max aggression and work on leaving space. This may be my own limitations as well. I feel as though i cant focus entirely on my own racing because im so worried about the other drivers. Maybe this is like this in real life though. Though perhaps not, because an opponent in reality will not want to jeopardize his own race. I dont know, i have only ever raced my truck at the local track. We were all very cautious because nobody wanted to damage their vehicle. I will work on it and see if i can improve.

    It hurts that not all cars can really race on all circuits. Open wheels at bathurt for example. This is dangerous in life but great fun in the game. I wish it were more possible, or at least equal beteen player and ai. A lot of the fun in these games is to do things you cannot do in reality. But i suppose it is reasonable that there are still limits. Perhaps the game can warn that you have chosen an inappropriate pairing?

    I take comfort that mazda isnt having these issues, this likely means that my driving needs work. Perhaps if my driving gets better and reiza improves ai, some quality racing can take place. It isnt hopeless though!

    I am legitimately having trouble finding the post that explains editing ai. I know it may not help my issue but i still want to play with it. Can anyone point me to the right place? I am probably searching a wrong word. Thank you all for your help!
  11. F_B

    F_B Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 25, 2016
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  12. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    Well I havent played Iracing in years, supposedly their AI is top notch right now, but I have played ACC and Rfactor2 recently and AMS2 AI is better than both. Acc have the Gran Turismo syndrome, its just a parade and dull, thats the worst thing you can have in a racing sim. Rfactor 2 is better, but still the AI crash a lot and they have that annoying brake-accelerate mid corner. In my case since I am no alien I am having fun right now, so even though they have the corner to corner issue, my overall laptimes are consistent with the AI, between 100-110. I have played a lot of racing games thorought the years and the only game that had near perfect AI was GP4, and they still had their issues with some wild movements when defending and attaking.
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  13. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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  14. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I have never managed to get a good AI race with the F-Ultimates. The AI always outbrake you and push you out of the way, then drop the anchor and impede your corner exit. The slower, older Formula cars tend to work better with the AI. Tin-tops are mostly problem-free in comparison.
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  15. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    Personally I think AMS2 AI is way too aggressive even when aggression is set to low.
    I just did a race with McLaren GT4 at Silverstone, 10 laps, 31 AI opponents at 105/low. I saw 2 AI cars fight each other and take each other out when both of them were in their outlaps in practice, had an AI pit maneuver me and take me during practice. During the race AI almost took me out after dive bombing into my car, several other contacts that annoyed me but didn't take me out, several instances of AI exceeding track limits. The other day I did a race at Spa where an AI driver took too much kerb, flipped over, then the AI cars behind kept trying to ram him out of the way instead of driving around him (video will be posted tomorrow).
    If other people like setting AI aggression to max and try their luck against suicidal AI in their offline races that's fine with me, but personally I'd love to have a superlow aggression setting where the AI will give me space when fighting for position and they will avoid contact at all costs, if they could stay within track limits that would be great too.
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  16. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    It also isn't possible to correct the settings I would like to make every time I try the AI:
    - Difference in performance during Practice, Qualifying and Race
    - There relative acceleration, corner and straight line performance.
    I never have the feeling I race against AI, I am always racing the "Game-AI-flaws"
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