I found some threads about this issue/question/suggestion, but I'd like to re-open this. Could Reiza make it possible to use a different name in game than our Steam Name? Not everyone wants to use his real name as his Steam name but in racing groups, especially when using Discord or such, it's much easier to know directly who you are talking to. It works in singleplayer races but not in online lobbies or dedicated servers.
If I am correct you go to main menu. Right top corner. Click on your profile. Edit your profile. Choose name. At last I noticed it worked for me in the Beta MP-tests. It shows Marius H instead of Marius which is my steamname. Might worth a try.
Sorry for reviving this old thread. But are there any news about the issue, that AMS2 is still using the steamname in multiplayer instead of the ingame AMS2 profile name? I'd really like to see that AMS2 would finally use the profile name.