Interlagos 1993/91 inaccuracies - missing kerb and chicane

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Xamantu, Feb 8, 2025.

  1. Xamantu

    Xamantu Member

    Apr 1, 2021
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    So, I was watching some videos from the 1993 GP and noticed that the track in AMS is missing a few things:

    First, there is the issue with the kerb at the Laranjinha exit. In AMS, both the 1991 and 1993 versions are inaccurate regarding the outside of the Laranjinha exit. It is very difficult to find decent footage of this specific part of the track, but I found some:

    1991 - In this video, at 33:25, it's possible to see that there was a bit of either a brighter asplhat or the regular weird kerb at the exit of the turn. It's hard to say which, because I haven't found better footage. The actual kerbs also look all white in the video, so it could be a kerb. [​IMG]

    1993 - Here I was able to find a much better video. At 7:40, you can see that there's a wide strip of kerb connecting the track to the runoff, and then it extends to a few car lenghts of regular sized kerb. This version could be somewhat useful in racing situations, so it would be nice to have it in game.
    Here's another view from 1992:

    Then, there is the old MotoGP chicane that was built in 1992:
    Here's some IRL footage. The track in AMS is missing this chicane, which is accurate for the 1991 version, but inaccurate for the 1993 one.
    As a huge track nerd, it would be awesome to see these updated in the game. Reiza pls? :whistle:
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  2. SpaceYam

    SpaceYam Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 23, 2023
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    I just spent ages practising 1991 Interlagos - I'm not familiar with the historical versions of the circuit but I definitely missed having wide kerbs compared to the modern layout :) would be a nice change if they could do it
    • Agree Agree x 1

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