Internet Issues while playing AMS 2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by menacegtr, Mar 20, 2021.

  1. menacegtr

    menacegtr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Hi all, i have this very weird thing happening every time i play AMS 2 on steam, its been driving me crazy for some time now but have never found a reason why its happening. I normally go online late on Friday and Saturdays until around 3am, i start at 10pm. The issue is, as soon as i start AMS 2 the internet goes of on all other systems in the house like the tv if my wife is watching BBC iPlayer, YouTube or if she is using her phone or tablet to go online just to surf the net, it all cuts out as soon as i start AMS 2 and just buffers, the round icon just spins around until it sees any connection which it does as soon as i stop playing AMS 2. What's weirder still is, all other games on steam are unaffected, the games are ACC, AC, Raceroom and MFS 2020. None of these sims course issue with other devices around my house and its severely driving me mad. Of course, if i go in offline mode i don't have this problem, Its been going on for a long time and i don't know why or what's causing my problems with other devices. Has anyone else who plays AMS 2 have this stupid problem or am i the only one with this weird problem. Any help would bee much appreciated
  2. BrunoB

    BrunoB TT mode tifosi BANNED

    Jun 13, 2020
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    There is a guy here called something like Shurican (cant remember exact name) who knows the reason and how to stop it.:)

    Found him: @Shriukan
  3. azaris

    azaris Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Turn off UDP telemetry or lower the UDP Frequency.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    As Azaris said, you need to lower or completely turn off your UDP telemetry sharing.
    It works this way. It sends a UDP packet to your router that your computer then fetches back for every X frames, X being the value set in the system settings. So if you are running 2 UDP and you have 120 fps, you are sending and fetching a UDP packet 60 times per second, which is overkill. Try to set it so that you send a packet every 50-60miliseconds, or higher if your router still struggles.
  5. menacegtr

    menacegtr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    That's very kind of you to reply. Sorry to ask but can you please advise how to do as you suggest as i have no real clue and don't want to adjust something that i shouldn't if that's ok.

    Is it UDP Frequency under settings in AMS 2? Its currently at 2?
  6. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Yes that is the setting. If you don't use UDP dependent telemetry software, just turn it off and use the RAM Shared Memory. If you need it, start with 9 and bring it down until you get network issues.

    If you are on 2, it means you send a packet out every 2nd frame so on 60fps it means 30 packets per second, on 120fps it is 60 packets per second. It's basic math. But maybe just start with a rfequency of 9 if you need to use UDP telemetry and bring it down until you notice network issues, then pull it back up by one or two clicks to give the router some room to breathe.
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  7. menacegtr

    menacegtr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Thank you so much my friend, this problem has been with me for so long now. I will look into this on Sunday as am not feeling to well and will let you know the outcome. I am sure this will solve my long overdue problem

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